
  1. 英国皇家航空协会(RoyalAeronauticalSocietyinBritain)估计,就连一架仅能搭载100名乘客的单通道飞机也可能装有500多块锂离子电池。

    The Royal Aeronautical Society in Britain estimates that even a single-aisle jet with only 100 passengers might have more than 500 lithium-ion batteries aboard .

  2. CFM已占据全球中型单通道飞机75%的市场份额。

    CFM already boasts 75 per cent of the world market for mid-sized single - aisle aircraft .

  3. 去年波音遭受了一次重大打击,几十年来一直只使用波音飞机的美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)突然宣布将从空客订购260架A320单通道飞机。

    Boeing sustained a big hit last year when American Airlines , which had maintained a boeing-only fleet for decades , announced it was ordering 260 new single-aisle A320s from Airbus .

  4. 未来波音的情况可能会更糟,去年刚刚收购了大陆航空公司(ContinentalAirlines)的美国联合航空公司(UnitedAirlines)有望在下月的伦敦范堡罗国际航展(FarnboroughAirshow)上订购100架单通道飞机。

    United Airlines ( UAL ) , which absorbed Continental Airlines last year , is expected to announce a new order for 100 single-aisle aircraft at the Farnborough airshow in the United Kingdom next month .

  5. 据波音公司估算,未来20年,单通道飞机市场的价值可能将达到近2万亿美金。

    Boeing estimates that the single-aisle market could be worth nearly $ 2 trillion over the next 20 years .

  6. 波音表示,未来20年,中国的航空公司将采购大约6000家飞机(主要是单通道飞机),价值达8700亿美元。

    saying that Chinese airlines would purchase some 6000 aircraft - mostly single-aisle planes - worth $ 870bn over the next two decades .

  7. 虽然单通道飞机市场的新闻很难在媒体上成为头条,但它对于两家公司的商用航空部门来说却是最大的利润中心。

    While the single-aisle jet market hardly grabs headlines , it is actually the biggest profit center for the two companies ' commercial aviation divisions .

  8. 波音早先预计,中国到2035年将新需5110架单通道飞机,占中国对国际飞机制造商总需求的75%。

    Boeing earlier predicts that China will need 5110 new single-aisle airplanes through 2035 , accounting for 75 percent of the total delivery for China from global aircraft manufacturers .

  9. 波音和空客的单通道飞机市场大战已经打了一年多了,两家都在努力争抢新客户,这些新客户想要的则是更新、更节省燃油的机型。

    The battle for the single-aisle jet market has raged for over a year now with both Boeing and Airbus competing fiercely for new customers wanting newer and more fuel-efficient models .

  10. 但中国真正的亮点是较大的单通道飞机市场,通常为150座的飞机。波音预计,到2030年,这部分市场将占到中国交付飞机总数的71%。

    But the real prize in China is the market for larger single-aisle jets . Typically served by 150-seat aircraft , it will account for 71 per cent of total aeroplane deliveries in China by 2030 , Boeing forecast .

  11. 在国内旅游需求不断上升急需满足,以及波音公司和空中客车集团垄断全球航空市场的环境下,中国首架自主生产的单通道喷气式飞机C919预计在本周五进行首飞。

    China 's first domestically produced single-aisle passenger jet , the C919 , is expected to take to the sky for its maiden flight on Friday , as the country endeavors to meet soaring domestic travel demand and break the global market duopoly of Boeing Co and Airbus Group SE .