
dān xìng
  • unisexuality
单性[dān xìng]
  1. 这些生物体通过单性生殖进行繁殖。

    These organisms reproduce parthenogenetically .

  2. 单性别教育对女孩好吗?

    Is single-sex education good for girls ?

  3. 对重要术语没有定义:如单性生殖技术、基因修饰技术等。

    No definition of terminologies : parthenogenetic reproduction technique , gene modification technique .

  4. 萘乙酸(NAA)促进南瓜单性结实初探

    The Initial Study on NAA Promotes Parthenocarpy of Pumpkin

  5. 单性结实和自花结实柑橘果实发育过程中IAA、ZR和GA3含量的变化

    Changes in Concentrations of IAA , ZR and GA_3 during Fruit Development of Parthenocarpic and Self-pollinated Citrus Cultivars

  6. 家蚕单性生殖早期胚胎SSH文库的构建及其序列分析

    SSH cDNA Library Construction and Sequence Analysis From the Autogenesis Early Embryo in the Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  7. 但IAA对单性结实子房(幼果)早期发育似无明显作用。

    It seemed that IAA played no significant part in the development of parthenocarpic ovaries of Satsuma mandarin .

  8. 本文研究了峨眉拟单性木兰的群落特征、组培技术、嫁接技术、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性和总酚含量。

    This article studied the community characteristics , tissue culture , grafting , PPO activity and total phenols content .

  9. 外源激素处理西瓜诱导单性结实的适宜时期为子房开花当天及花后1d,以微滴喷雾法于开花当天及花后1d各处理1次,可有效促进西瓜子房发育成正常商品无籽果实。

    Exogenous hormones were sprayed in minute drop 1 time at flowering and after 1 day of blooming , respectively .

  10. 相对而言,赤霉素(GA3)不能诱导单性结实,其对细胞分裂和细胞周期相关基因的表达作用也很小。

    In comparison , GA3 had little effect on the induction of parthenocarpy and the transcripts of cell cycle-related genes .

  11. 5日龄单性雌虫的RCI值为13.77±0.68;

    RCI of 5-day-old female was 13.77 ± 0.68 ;

  12. 以峨眉拟单性木兰嫩枝茎段为测试材料,研究多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性和总酚含量及其季节变化规律。

    Taking burgeon and stem of Parakmeria omeiensis Cheng as test materials , polyphenol oxidase ( PPO ), total phenol content , and seasonal change law were studied .

  13. 在~(60)Coγ射线引变蓖麻品系永283M2中,发现具有标志性状的单性雌株,即标志雌性系(简称标雌系)。

    The castor line " Yong 283 M2 " , inducing by 60Co γ , was a female plant , which had marked character .

  14. 罗汉果(SiraitiaGrosvenorii)是单性、雌雄异株的葫芦科球根多年生植物,是特产于我国南部的重要经济植物。

    Luohanguo ( Siraitia grosvenorii ), a dioecious and perennial cucurbitaceae plant with root tubers , is an economically important species endemic to southern China .

  15. 茄子D-10的单性结实性属于兼性单性结实,既由遗传基因控制同时又受环境调节影响。

    D-10 is a kind of facultative parthenocarpy eggplant which expresses this characteristic under low temperature .

  16. 通过基因工程诱导单性结实或特异表达种子切除的细胞毒素基因(Barnase)策略成为柑橘无核分子育种的主要手段。

    Inducing parthenocarpy by genetic engineering and seed-ablated strategy by expressing the cytotoxin gene ( Barnase ) are the major methods of molecular breeding of seedless citrus .

  17. CPPU是一种新型植物生长调节剂,具有促进细胞分裂、促进座果、诱导单性结实等特点,在农业、园艺等领域有广泛的应用。

    The CPPU is a kind of novel plant growth regulator which has higher activities in promoting cell division , fruit setting and inducing parthenocarpy .

  18. Daley博士领导了这项新的研究利用一系列的化学方法来处理单性细胞,从而促使未受精卵进行胚胎发育。

    Daley of the Children 's Hospital of Boston , uses a procedure known as parthenogenesis in which a series of chemical treatments are used to encourage an unfertilized egg to begin embryonic development .

  19. 而CPPU处理不仅座果率高达100%,而且促进果实的生长产生单性结实果。

    CPPU not only showed high activity in inducing parthenocarpy , the parthenocarpy set was as high as100 % , but also promoted the fruit development .

  20. 以茄子单性结实品系D-11和非单性结实品系S8为试材,研究了果实发育、营养成分变化与茄子单性结实的关系。

    The experiment was carried out to investigate the relations of , nutrients change and parthenocarpy with the eggplant parthenocarpy line D-11 and non-parthenocarpy line S8 during fruit development .

  21. 我们用最小范数二阶无偏估算法(MINQUE)来估算单性状的方差分量和性状间的协方差分量,通过设定参数的先验值为1(MINQUE(1))。

    We used minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation ( MINQUE ) methods with 1 for all prior components ( MINQUE ( 1 )) to estimate the variance components for single trait and covariance components between two traits .

  22. 结果表明:玉米花序经过了无性、双性到单性的发育过程,在茎尖伸长和小穗原基突起时期,雄花序中内源iPAs、ZRs、GA3和ZEN含量最高并高于雌花序;

    The results showed that the development of flowers of both sexes passed through asexual , bisexual and unisexual stages . The contents of iPAs , ZRs , GA 3 and ZEN in tassels were significantly higher than in ears during the elongation of meristem and spikelet initiation .

  23. 结果表明,不同生态环境下,雌雄同株黄瓜单性结实性遗传均符合E-1-1模型,受2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因控制,存在基因型与环境互作效应。

    The results showed that the interaction between genotype and environment was detected , and the inheritance of parthenocarpy in monoecious cucumber was fitted E-1-1 model , and controlled by two additive-dominant-epistatic major genes and additive-dominant polygenes under different eco-environments .

  24. 影响番茄兼性单性结实及果实发育的因素

    Study on Factors Affecting Facultative Parthenocarpy and Fruit Development in Tomato

  25. 山楂单性结实现象及诱导方法的研究

    Parthenocarpy or the Hawthorn Tree with Reference to the Induction Method

  26. 例如在雌雄异株种类中仅仅存在单性。

    Examples include dioecious species where only one sex is present .

  27. 茄子子房内源激素含量与单性结实的关系

    The Relationship between Endogenous Hormone and Parthenocarpy in the Eggplant Fruitlets

  28. 番茄单性结实性的遗传效应和转育

    Genetic effect of Parthenocarpy in tomato plants and new material creation

  29. 黄瓜单性结实产量配合力和遗传分析

    Combining Ability and Genetic Analysis of the Parthenocarpic Yield of Cucumber

  30. 单性生殖动物的进化海带雄配子体单性生殖叶状体的特性

    Properties of Monogenetic Thalli From Male Gametophytes of Laminaria japonica Aresch