
  • 网络ndfeb magnet
  1. Gd、Y含量对烧结钕铁硼永磁体磁性能的影响

    Effect of Gd , Y Content on Magnetic Properties of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnet

  2. 结果表明,Ni-P非晶态合金化学稳定性好,耐蚀性优异,是钕铁硼永磁体的一种理想保护镀层。

    It was shown that the coating was good in chemical stability and corrosion resistance , and a ideal protection coating .

  3. 聚苯硫醚粘结钕铁硼永磁体研究

    The Study of Poly ( phenylene sulfide ) Bonded Nd-Fe-B Magnets

  4. 钕铁硼永磁体生产的工业实践

    Industrial practice of production of permanent neodymium ferroboron magnet

  5. 研究了烧结钕铁硼永磁体经液氮冷处理后的磁性能变化规律。

    The effects of liquid-nitrogen cryogenic treatment on the magnetic properties are studied .

  6. 高热稳定性富钕铁硼永磁体研究

    Study on the Nd Rich Mischmetal Fe B Magnets with High Thermal Stability

  7. 烧结钕铁硼永磁体的镍及镍磷合金镀层

    The Nickel and Nickel-Phosphorus Plated Layer on the Surface of Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnets

  8. 高性能钕铁硼永磁体制备工艺的研究

    Research on preparation of high performance Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets

  9. 地震检波器用钕铁硼永磁体稳定性研究

    Research in stability of a new permanent magnet ( Nd-Fe-B ) used for geophone

  10. 钕铁硼永磁体镀锌工艺

    Zinc Plating Technology for Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnet

  11. 同时确定了钕铁硼永磁体电镀镍自动线工艺流程及工艺规范。

    Automatic nickel electroplating process and operating conditions of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnet were also set up .

  12. 钕铁硼永磁体是目前磁性能最高、应用最广、发展最快的永磁材料,由于生产设备陈旧,工艺技术落后,致使产品性能低,而且性能的一致性和稳定性差。

    Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet , with outstanding magnetic properties , is the most widely used and fastest-growing permanent magnet material recently . Both the obsolete equipments and backward technology lead to poor performance , consistency and stability .

  13. 锌铬转化膜与镀锌层进行了对比试验,试验表明锌铬转化膜在防腐性能方面大大超过镀锌层,从而说明可以采用锌铬膜技术处理钕铁硼永磁体来代替现有的镀锌层。

    Comparison between Zinc - Chromium film and Zinc plating was made . Tt is show Zinc - Chromium film is much better than Zinc plating on corrosion resistance , so Zinc-Chromium film can substitute Zinc plating in this case .

  14. 并针对钕铁硼永磁体价格较贵的问题,提出一种遗传算法与复合形法相结合的混合优化算法,即保证优化的全局收敛,又能提高优化的快速性;

    And mainly aiming at the problem that the neodymium iron boron permanent magnet is expensive , we proposed one kind of optimization algorithm that genetic algorithms and complex algorithms are mixed , which not only guarantees the whole astringency , but also enhances the rapidity of optimization .

  15. 低场下钕-铁-硼永磁体居里温度的测量

    Measurement of Curie temperature for Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets at low magnetic field

  16. 但由于稀土元素钕性质非常活泼,导致钕铁硼永磁体的耐蚀性能很差。

    But because of Nd element is vivaciously active , the anti-corrosion performance of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet is very bad .