
  1. 经过对COW实验的物理意义重新分析,发现COW实验不足以严格验证作为广义相对论基础的强等效原理。

    The physical significance of the COW experiment is discussed in this paper . We don 't think that the COW experiment can strictly test the strong equivalence principle as the foundation of the general relativity .

  2. 该模型是建立在广义相对论的基础上,遵从了宇宙学原理,构造了宇宙的演化方式。

    The model based on general relativity obeys the cosmological principle and describes the evolution of the universe .

  3. 这实际上属于数学领域中广义相对论的基础。事实上,它最终将向我们显示关于宇宙的形状。

    This is actually the field of mathematics that underlies general relativity and is actually ultimately going to show us about the shape of the universe .

  4. 这样,本文就在一定意义上表明,以广义相对论为基础对黑洞和奇性的讨论,很可能并不符合自然界的真实情况。

    Our conclusions in a sense show that he discussions about the black hole and the singularity based on the general relativity may not describe the nature correctly .