
tōu pāi
  • take pictures of a person without his knowing
  1. 往往新片一上映,中国市场就会出现在影院偷拍后翻录的枪版DVD,给影片票房造成损失。

    DVDs made from in-theater videos frequently circulate the Chinese market and result in ticket losses .

  2. 起诉一位明星因为在Instagram上发布了一张自己被狗仔偷拍的照片,而被起诉。

    sue A celebrity is being sued because she put a paparazzi photo of herself on Instagram .

  3. 婚礼图片登上《Hello!》杂志的好处包括一张丰厚的支票,以及为防止公众和出版界对手偷拍新娘,会采用严格的安保措施。

    The advantages of having a wedding featured in Hello ! can include a generous cheque and a formidable security option to prevent the public - and rival publications - catching a sneak glimpse of the bride .

  4. 他留下他的电脑把我和克里斯蒂偷拍下来。

    He left his laptop on and recorded me and Christie .

  5. 简言之,Autographer的设计有助于防止人们被偷拍。

    In short , Autographer 's design helps keep people from being jerks .

  6. 乔治和夏洛特在上学高峰期的时候被偷拍。

    George and Charlotte are regularly photographed by paparazzi on the school run .

  7. 这家租房新公司表示,对于偷拍客人的房主将予以严厉制裁。

    The home-rental start-up says it 's cracking down on hosts who record guests .

  8. 在偷拍得手后,该名男子还和其他同学分享了这些照片。

    The male student allegedly shared the pictures with a classmate after they were snapped .

  9. 今年早些时候威廉王子夫妇曾抱怨狗仔队的偷拍打扰了他们的“家庭生活”。

    Earlier this year the couple complained about paparazzi photographic intrusion into their ' family life ' .

  10. 德卢斯警局有人用手机偷拍了伊莉斯·尼克尔斯的尸体,

    Some genius in Duluth PD took a photograph of Elise Nichols ' body with his cell phone ,

  11. 不是第一个因为在社交媒体上分享自己被狗仔偷拍的照片而被告的明星。

    Lipa is not the first star to be sued for sharing paparazzi images of themselves to social media .

  12. 眼下,一款新式的“防狗仔”围巾已然成为名人们躲避偷拍的制胜法宝。

    A new ' paparazzi-proof " scarf could be a game-changer for celebrities who prefer to shy away from the limelight .

  13. 京晶:有些媒体为了获得独家消息,偷拍、窃听已成常用手段,就是为了迎合大众的猎奇心理。

    In an attempt to get exclusive news , taking secret video and eavesdropping has become common practice for some media outlets .

  14. 罗宾斯在两星期内被偷拍469次,而他的另一位校友哈桑则被偷拍了543次,他们就此向法院起诉了这所学校。

    He and past student Jalil Hasan sued the school , which had taken 469 photos of Robbins and 543 of Hasan .

  15. 美国约翰霍普金森大学医院今日决定向患者赔偿1.9亿美元。医院一名医生利用为女病人进行妇科检查的机会使用微型摄像头偷拍了数千名女病人的下身。

    Johns Hopkins University agreed to a $ 190M settlement after one of its gynecologist used a secret camera to record exams .

  16. “偷拍”指的是在别人不知情或未经同意的情况下,用手机拍下某人的照片

    When you sneak a photo , you take a picture of someone using a cell phone camera without their knowledge or consent .

  17. 在举行婚礼的一周前,《每日邮报》报道说,托马斯·马克尔与一名摄影师密谋筹划拍摄看起来像是偷拍的照片。

    A week before the ceremony , The Daily Mail reported that Mr. Markle had colluded with a photographer to stage seemingly candid pictures .

  18. 他们不光是偷拍,还追踪我的车,跟着我进休息室,老是缠着我。

    They don 't just take pictures . They chase me in my car and follow me into restrooms , trying to corner me .

  19. 克拉默努力向孩子们解释想让他们安静下来,两个家长开始偷拍下有趣的场景,以转移他们的注意力。

    Cramer explains that to get the children to calm down , they try and distract the boy with some fun , candid shots .

  20. 这想必是为了让你能够通过手表与间谍同事通话,然后偷拍丝毫未察觉的目标。

    This is , presumably , so you can talk to fellow spies through the watch and then stealthily take photos of an unsuspecting subject .

  21. 有些是取自小李子躲避狗仔队偷拍时的表情,有些是来自他做某个动作时截取的奇特姿势。

    Some are made from pictures of DiCaprio 's attempts to hide his face from the paparazzi in odd and sometimes bizarre contortions of his body .

  22. 康宸玮发起此项调查的初衷是为了寻找今年春天一名在北师大女卫生间偷拍而被抓的男同学的行为动机。

    Mr Kang originally launched his investigation to determine what motivated a male student caught taking photos in a girl 's washroom at Beijing Normal last spring .

  23. adj.公正的;坦白的;率直的;(照片)乘人不备时拍的;偷拍的

    truthful and honest , especially about something difficult or painful a candid photograph is one that is taken without the person in it knowing that they are being photographed

  24. 泰尔默不作声的感人举动让同在这节地铁车厢里的另一名乘客深受感动,他偷拍了一张照片上传到了新闻网站红迪网上,照片后来又被转发到了脸书上。

    Another subway rider was so struck by Theil 's nonchalant empathy that he snapped a picture and put it on Reddit , from which it was then posted to Facebook .

  25. 尽管控制着网络和媒体,中国政府依然无法阻止军迷偷拍建造中的新舰艇和飞机。

    Despite having control over its Internet and press , the Chinese government has had enduring problems with military enthusiasts sneaking pictures of new ships and aircraft under development or construction .

  26. 中国社交媒体新浪微博上一共贴出了6张该男子偷拍行为的照片,同时有博文称该名男子就读于中国南方的云南昆明的一所大学。

    A total of six photos were circulated on Chinese social media site Weibo with posts claiming that the man is studying in a university in Kunming , southern China 's Yunnan Province .

  27. 据《人民日报》报道,从一些发布在社交媒体上的照片可以看出,该名男子将手机藏到背后,从桌子底下伸出来对着后排的女同学进行偷拍。

    Images have been released on Chinese social media showing the man holding his phone around his back , which was aimed at another female student , reports the People 's Daily Online .

  28. 经证实,这组照片并非伪造。当时米德尔顿和她的丈夫威廉王子正在法国南部度假享受日光浴,显然有人用长焦镜头偷拍到这组照片。

    It has been confirmed that the images are genuine , taken apparently with a telephoto lens while Middleton and her husband , Prince William , were sunbathing on vacation in southern France .

  29. 在看到自己女儿詹姆斯被一位摄影师偷拍的照片出现在网上之后,布莱克·莱弗利十分愤怒,而她的团队已经敦促出版物删除这些违规图片。

    Blake Lively was livid when she saw the pictures of her daughter James surface online that were snapped by a photographer -- and her team has urged publications to remove the offending images .

  30. 剑桥公爵夫妇已获准在他们新的乡间府邸上空设立禁飞区,以防止有人偷拍这栋与众不同的红砖房子。

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been given permission to enforce a no-fly zone over their new country mansion in a bid to stop photographs being taken of the distinctive red-brick house .