
  • 网络forbidden fruit
  1. 或者是他们不能抵抗住诱惑而偷吃禁果呢?

    Or will they be unable to resist the forbidden fruit of other men or women ?

  2. 把“黑手”伸向开架避孕套的,是偷吃禁果的中学生,是捉襟见肘的钟点工,甚至是操皮肉生意的。

    The " black hands " of condoms into the open-shelf , is eating the forbidden fruit of the secondary school students , part-time is stretched to their limits , and even speaks of the flesh trade .

  3. 如果学生可以在学校接受性教育,他们会比较清楚地了解性也不会对它那么好奇,这就可以减少偷吃禁果的风险。

    If students can accept sex education in school , they would understand sex clearly and would not be so curious about it , which can reduce the risk of their attempting it in advance .

  4. 甚至可以说上帝完全了解亚当夏娃接下来要做的,-他们会去偷吃禁果,-我们还是可以这样说的,他们处于自由的想法之下,偷吃了禁果。

    Even though God knew exactly what Adam and Eve would do-that they would eat the fruit-we still have to be able to say that they ate the fruit freely out of their own free will .

  5. 天命的想法,当深深植入到亚当夏娃的故事中,植入到他们决定偷吃禁果的毁灭性的决定里去时,似乎让我们有种不公平的感觉。

    The very idea of divine providence , when it 's injected into the story of Adam and Eve 's perfectly disastrous choice to eat the apple , seems to arouse in a lot of us feelings of injustice .

  6. 人类的堕落由于亚当偷吃伊甸园的禁果而丧失清白和体面。

    The loss of innocence and grace resulting from Adam 's eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden .