
shì liàng dù
  • apparent brightness
视亮度[shì liàng dù]
  1. 而视亮度的相应概念通常叫作计数。

    The corresponding concept for apparent brightness is generally called a number count .

  2. 按照历史习惯,天文学家用星等标这种容易使人混淆的方法来度量恒星的视亮度。

    Deferring to historical custom , astronomers , measure the apparent brightness of stars through the magnitude scale , a very confusing way .

  3. 本文阐述了照明质量判据的发展,特别是视亮度(brightness)是视环境中最重要的因数。

    This paper describes the development of lighting quality criteria , especially the visual luminance brightness is one of the most important factor in our visual enviroment .

  4. 视亮度在山城重庆夜景中的应用

    Application of Brightness to Lighting Landscape in Mountain City Chongqing

  5. 采用异色视亮度匹配法测量明视觉光效率函数

    The Photopic Spectral Luminous Efficiency Functions Measured by the Heterochromatic Brightness Matching Method

  6. 室内照明光环境亮度&视亮度研究

    Luminance - brightness in Lighting Enviroment Indoor

  7. 视亮度及其应用

    Brightness and Its Application

  8. 论文更进一步验证了基于视觉功能法和传统的视亮度匹配法之间的联系,在两种方法之间构造了一座桥梁,为基于视觉功能法的使用初步建立了理论依据;

    Comparison between performance-based method and brightness-matching method was then done and therefore connection between these two methods was developed ;

  9. 这些超新星有着一致的本征亮度,因此测出它们的视亮度,天文学家就知道它们离我们有多远。

    The supernovae glow with the same intrinsic brightness , so by measuring how bright they appear on the sky , astronomers can tell how far away they are .

  10. 采用视亮度匹配法获得了21名中国人眼的平均明视觉等价亮度、视亮度与亮度之比B/L值,并理出每个人的数据。

    A set of average photopic equivalent luminance for 24 non-spectral colors has been obtained by 21 Chinese observers using the heterochromatic brightness matching method in a 10 ° ield .

  11. 阐述了亮度与视亮度的关系,分析了视亮度的模型公式、背景视亮度、视亮度边界的适用范围和条件,并对照明光环境的视亮度均匀性以及等效亮度进行了研究。

    It presents relationship between luminance and brightness , analyses model formula of brightness , background bright-ness , suitable scope and condition of brightness edge . It also discusses brightness uniformity and equivalent luminance .

  12. 本文从视亮度出发,着重研究了与视亮度有关的概念,同时还研究了山城夜景中建筑物以山体或建筑群体为背景的特殊夜景照明载体情况,提出了较为合理的夜景照明亮度等级划分方法。

    In this paper , based upon the brightness , some conceptions concerned of it are stressed , and a relatively reasonable division method of brightness grades is provided in lighting landscape where the buildings are revealed by the background of mountains and architectural complex .

  13. 通过比较等辐射量的黑体温度,测出灰体的视在亮度温度&辐射温度;

    It is gotten that the radiation temperature by visual brightness observer through comparison of the black-body temperature and the direct measurement of gray one .

  14. 中间照明水平下视锐度的亮度响应特性研究

    Study on the Luminance Response Character of Visual Acuity at Mesopic Light Levels

  15. 聋人与正常人枕叶视皮层对亮度敏感性的功能磁共振成像研究

    Effect of luminance contrast on BOLD-fMRI response in deaf and normal occipital visual cortex

  16. 本文应用胞内记录和动态模型分析方法,研究了离体鲫鱼视网膜视锥驱动的亮度型水平细胞(LHC)上不同视锥信号的相互作用。

    Intracellular recordings were made from the luminosity type cone driven horizontal cells ( LHCs ) in the isolated carp retina and model analysis was performed to investigate possible mechanisms underlying the interaction of different cone signals converging onto these cells .

  17. 探讨在视觉功能的基础上获得人眼光谱光视效率的可能性以及基于视觉功能法(Performance-basedMethod)和传统的视亮度匹配法(Brightness-matchingmethod)之间所存在的联系。

    To validate the possibility of working out the spectral luminous efficacy curves based on visual performance at mesopic light levels ; to find the connection between the results of performance-based method and brightness-matching method .