
dì sān fāng
  • third party
第三方[dì sān fāng]
  1. 让客观公正的第三方看一下你的成果会有助益。

    It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work

  2. 你可以通知银行,允许第三方从你的账户取款。

    You can instruct your bank to allow a third party to remove money from your account .

  3. 我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。

    We decided to meet on neutral ground .

  4. 他们的第三方保管账户中有96,000美元。

    They had $ 96,000 in their escrow account

  5. 从年初开始,他的股份已经交由第三方暂时保管。

    His stake has been held in escrow since the start of the year .

  6. 第三方责任险的保险费很有可能要上调25%之多。

    Premiums for third-party cover are set to rise by up to 25 per cent .

  7. 第三方所作的从中调解的一切努力均告失败。

    All efforts of mediation by a third party were in vain at all .

  8. 我们的军事关系,不威胁任何第三方。

    Our military ties threaten no third party .

  9. 诉讼声称,这一标签具有误导性是因为它给购买者一种产品经过第三方认证的印象,事实上它是由公司自己认证的。

    The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company 's own .

  10. 中俄关系不受国际风云的影响,也不针对任何第三方。

    The China-Russia relationship is not dictated1 by international vicissitudes2 and does not target any third parties .

  11. 很多最受欢迎的模式都是基于所谓的“双面市场”,该市场是由第三方研发、建立并维护的一个信息技术平台,其功能为共享各类经济活动信息。

    Many of the most popular models are based on what is called a " two-sided market " which is a market where an information technology-enabled platform is developed , built and maintained by a third party but the function of the platform is to enable sharing economy activities .

  12. 基于WebServices的第三方物流信息系统解决方案

    Solution of the third-party logistics application based on Web Services

  13. 联系第三方Web服务以链接到其他数据源。

    Contact third party Web services in order to link in additional data sources .

  14. 它以Web服务的形式向第三方应用程序提供关于供应和请求的统计数据。

    It offers statistics about offers and requests as a Web service to third-party applications .

  15. 笔者希望通过本文,为B公司最终成功地制定、实施第三方物流战略提供一些有益的思路和启示。

    Hope this thesis can provide some enlightening for B company 's TPL strategy decision and implementation .

  16. 它亦能与任何可通过web服务发出命令的第三方应用程序交互。

    It is also intended to interact with any third party application that can issue commands via web services .

  17. 最后,是由第三方公司提供的API的问题。

    Finally , there is the issue of APIs created by third parties .

  18. 论WTO争端解决机制中第三方制度及中国的对策

    Analysis of System of Third Party Participation in Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO and China 's Countermeasures

  19. 第三方的基本软件组件(例如,e-mail软件,互联网浏览器)

    Third-party base software components ( for example , e-mail software , Internet browsers )

  20. VB中无第三方控件的报表输出

    The Output of Report in VB Without the 3rd Controller

  21. Repository:查看和安装第三方JAR文件。

    Repository : View and install third party JAR files .

  22. 该方案是对3-DSecure协议的改造,即将3-9Secure协议中的商户服务器插件(MPI)和收单行统一到第三方平台中。

    The scheme is based on 3-D Secure protocol .

  23. 在安全电子商务协议中,可信第三方TTP(trustedthirdparty)担任重要的角色。

    TTP ( trusted third party ) plays an important role in electronic commerce protocols .

  24. 如前所述,使用Spring的O/X功能需要使用一个第三方O/X框架。

    As mentioned previously , a third-party O / X framework is required to use Spring 's O / X functionality .

  25. ParlayXWeb服务&第三方呼叫

    Parlay X Web service-Third Party Call

  26. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  27. 在导入来自第三方的XML文档之前,最好根据预定义的XML模式检验这些文档。

    Prior to importing XML documents received from third parties , it is a good idea to validate these documents against a pre-defined XML schema .

  28. 第三方参与对于WTO成员具有重要意义,甚至影响到WTO规则的发展。

    The third party intervention is important for the WTO members , and it even affects the devel - opment of the WTO rules .

  29. 在介绍J2EE技术规范的基础上,阐述基于J2EE的电子商务第三方物流系统的功能、流程,拓扑结构和系统架构。

    The function , flow , system structure of the third part logistics system based on J2EE are expounded .

  30. 本系统采用基于可信任第三方的Kerberos认证协议。

    This system is based on three-side identical Kerberos authentication protocol .