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  1. 因为宋朝的皇帝姓赵,所以“赵”成为《百家姓》中的第一个姓。据说,后面的姓也是按照当时的政治地位来安排的。

    It was said that the arrangement of the family names in the book is in a particular way , because they were related to the political status .

  2. 我们的第一位总统姓什麽?

    What is the last name of our first President ?

  3. 在中国,第一个名字是姓,最后一个名字是名。

    In China the first name is the family name , and the last name is the given name .

  4. 一般来说,输入第一个名字的姓的前两个字母就会出现唯一结果。

    Typically , typing in a first name and the first couple of letters of the surname can yield a single result .