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chuǎng hóng dēng
  • run the red light
闯红灯[chuǎng hóng dēng]
  1. 司机闯红灯,撞上了卡车的一侧。

    The driver ran a stop light and broadsided the truck .

  2. 开车闯红灯是违章行为。

    It 's illegal to drive through a red light .

  3. 他在交叉路口被一辆闯红灯的小货车撞死了。

    He was killed at a road junction by a van driver who went through a red light

  4. 骑自行车的人常常骑上人行道(本来是行人专用)又下来,还骑得很快,而且他们觉得自己有闯红灯的特权。

    Cyclists jump on and off pavements ( which are meant for pedestrians ) , ride at speed along the pavements , and think they have a special right to go through traffic lights when they are on red .

  5. A:你的驾驶考试为什么没及格?B:我闯红灯了。

    A : Why did you fail your driving test ? B : I went through a red light .

  6. 一辆警车跟着她,车上的警察看见她不停地闯红灯。

    A police car followed her , and the policeman in it saw her pass a red light without stopping .

  7. 在十字路口,一个闯红灯的家伙差点把我撞倒,他并没有看信号灯停车。

    A road hog nearly ran me over at the crossing as he failed to stop at the sign .

  8. 在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭里,一位年轻女士被带到法官面前,她由于开车闯红灯被开了罚单。

    In the traffic court of a large mid-western city , a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light .

  9. MIT研究员发明了一种报警器,这种报警器能够在驾驶者闯红灯之前就检测出来。

    MIT researchers have developed an algorithm that can " detect " drivers who 're likely to drive straight across a red light-before they do so .

  10. 该运营系统名为精密机车调度系统(PTC),当火车司机将火车开得过快或闯红灯时,该调度系统会让火车自动减速甚至停下来。

    This system , Positive Train Control ( PTC ), is intended to stop or slow a train automatically if a driver goes too fast or passes a red signal .

  11. 一队多数由年轻女子驾驶的柔和色调的大众甲壳虫(vwbeetles),排成庄严的单列纵队行进,为了保持队形甚至不惜闯红灯。

    A cortege of pastel-coloured VW beetles , driven mostly by young girls , proceeded past in stately single file , running red lights to stay in formation .

  12. 接下来是一名骑着浅粉色Brompton折叠自行车的女子。她在圣保罗大教堂(StPaul’sCathedral)旁闯红灯,逼得行人纷纷避让。

    And then there was a woman on a baby-pink Brompton going through a red light just by St Paul 's Cathedral forcing pedestrians to step out of her way .

  13. 城市交叉口的闯红灯违规分析研究

    Research of Red Light Violation at Signalized Intersections in Developing Cities

  14. 司机由于闯红灯而被处罚。

    The driver was punished because he broke the red light .

  15. 我开始想,为什么我不闯红灯呢?

    I started wondering why I refused to run the light .

  16. 你干闯红灯,可是你的本地朋友们都不敢。

    You jaywalk streets that locals don 't even dare to .

  17. 基于视频检测的闯红灯记录仪研究与设计

    Research and Design of Red Light Runners Recorder Based on Video Detecting

  18. 闯红灯,警察是会罚款的。

    Running the red light is to be fined by the police .

  19. 闯红灯是非常危险的事。

    It 's dangerous to run through the red light .

  20. 警察:因为你刚才闯红灯。

    Police officer : because you just drove through a red light .

  21. 你也许认为闯红灯很有趣。

    You might think it 's fun to jump the red lights .

  22. 警察看到他们闯红灯却当什么也没发生。

    The police watched the taxis run the light and did nothing .

  23. 国内外的众多对驾驶员肇事的研究多集中在四个方面:1、驾驶行为(超速驾驶、酒后驾驶、闯红灯、超车等);

    The studies on this are 4 aspects : 1 . behavior ;

  24. 智能交通中闯红灯车辆视频检测算法的研究

    The Research of Red Light Runners Video Detecting Algorithm in Intelligent Traffic

  25. 骑自行车的人闯红灯的现象正在减少。

    The number of cyclists running traffic lights is on the decrease .

  26. 我哥哥闯红灯收到一张罚单。

    My brother went through a red light and got a ticket .

  27. 他开车闯红灯让警察看见了。

    He drove through a red light and a policeman saw him .

  28. 与闯红灯违规相关的困境区域的研究

    Dilemma Zone Research with Regard to Red Light Running

  29. 闯红灯报警联动监视系统的研究

    Research on a System for Red Light Violation Monitor and Traffic TV Surveillance

  30. 我看见他驾车闯红灯。

    I saw him drive through a red light .