
  1. 我要去欧洲,闯天下。

    I 'm going to europe , I 'll do anything .

  2. 他现在应该自己出去闯天下了,不是吗?

    Isn 't it time that he was out on his own ?

  3. 大多数创业者都对自己决定独自闯天下时的情形记忆犹新。

    Most entrepreneurs remember vividly when they decided to strike out on their own .

  4. 他早年到外国去闯天下。

    In early youth he went to seek his fortune in a foreign country .

  5. 驴子外出闯天下,回家不会变成马。

    If andass go a travelling , he 'll not come home a horse .

  6. 是为了保护自己我一个人闯天下难免有不得当的地方

    For protection . I make my way in the world , I misbehave .

  7. 次日早晨,他用一块红色的印花大手帕包了一些点心,告别了双亲,出发去闯天下。

    The next morning , he bundled up some food in a red bandanna handkerchief , told his parents good-by , and set off into the world .

  8. 那一天,他做了一个影响他一生的决定:放弃铁饭碗,单骑闯天下!

    That day , he made a decision which changed all his life : giving up the iron bowl , and exploring the business field around the world by himself !

  9. 小巴菲特在中国的多次亮相中一再重申,这个故事的重点是:他从斯坦福大学辍学,尝试在音乐方面闯天下,其实与父亲当年的行为异曲同工。

    The point , Buffett repeats in all his appearances in China , is that by quitting Stanford and trying to make a go of it in music , he was doing the same thing his father did .

  10. 导演理查德·林克莱特涉猎广泛,从儿童喜剧(《摇滚学校》、《少棒闯天下》)到迷幻科幻动画片(《黑暗扫描仪》),从爱情三部曲(《爱在黎明破晓前》及其续集)到真实犯罪文献片(《伯尼》)。

    Richard Linklater has a vastly varied filmography , ranging from children 's comedies ( School of Rock , Bad News Bears ) to psychedelic sci-fi cartoons ( A Scanner Darkly ) , and from romantic trilogies ( Before Sunrise and its sequels ) to true-crime docudramas ( Bernie ) .