
  • 网络new class
  1. 估计成千上万的人已经完成了BBC的英国大型阶级计算,看到他们被归为的新阶层。

    Predictably , thousands of people have already completed the BBC 's Great British class calculator to see what new class they fall under .

  2. 试论我国的民族资产阶级与新阶层私营企业者

    Discussion on Relationship Between Chinese National Bourgeoisie and New Class Private Enterpriser

  3. 试论新阶层的社会属性&兼谈当代人民范畴的科学界定

    On the Social Properties of the New Stratum

  4. 农民工一个新阶层的崛起

    Farm-worker , the Rise of a New Class

  5. 第二部分则着重研究社会新阶层统战工作的目的和任务。

    The second part then talks about the goal and the duty of the united front work on the new social strata .

  6. 实际上,重庆和成都已经产生了城市居民新阶层,他们同时享有城市和农村的优惠政策。

    In effect , Chongqing and Chengdu have created a new class of urban residents who enjoy the best of both worlds .

  7. 在这股捐款的洪流中,还包括来自中国富有企业家这一新阶层如潮水般的公开捐款。

    The spate of giving has also included a flood of public donations coming from the new class of rich entrepreneurs in China .

  8. 这一部分主要研究新阶层产生的历史背景,从六个方面谈了他们的基本特点。

    This part mainly discuses the historical background from which the new social stratum comes , as well as their essential features from six aspects .

  9. 本文所谓市民意识,特指在古代城市经济发展过程中形成的重视商贸活动的新阶层之新意识。

    The civic ideology in this paper means a new consciousness of the new estate that was built up during the development of ancient civil economy .

  10. 这由那些月底没有储蓄的新阶层月光族的物质化来证实。

    This is demonstrated by the materialization of a new class of yue guang zu , those with no savings at the end of the month .

  11. 我认为,以布鲁塞尔为总部的精英们,是一个把自身利益与欧洲大陆利益混为一谈的“新阶层”。

    And I believed that the Brussels-based elite was a " new class " that had confused its own interests with those of the continent of Europe .

  12. 摘要中国社会新阶层的政治参与,既是和谐社会的重要内容,也是和谐社会的重要保障。

    The Chinese new social strata 's participation in political affairs is not only an important content of concord society but also an important guarantee of Concord society .

  13. 近年来,由于非公有制经济在经济社会发展中显现出日益重要的作用和它在新阶层中所处的特殊位置,使得工商联的这份使命更加沉重。

    In recent years , due to an increasingly important role in economic and social development and the special position of the new class of non-public ownership economy , the Mission of the Federation is becoming even heavier .

  14. 摘要近年来社会各界,尤其是社会科学界就当代我国社会阶级阶层结构问题的研究,讨论特别热烈,什么新阶层、新结构、新群体,真可以说是众说纷纭。

    In recent years circles of social science have had a heated discussion on the structure of classes and strata in Contemporary Chinese society , there being various opinions such as new stratum , new structure and new group , etc.

  15. 扬州现代教育体制的建立对扬州城市现代化有着积极的推动功效,具体表现为现代意义整合效应、人才效应、西学引进效应以及新阶层呈现效应。

    The establishment of Yangzhou modern educational system positively accelerated the modernization of the city . It is manifested in the effect of unification in its modem sense , of talent , of Western learning introduction and of the emergence of new classes .

  16. 目前我国正处于经济与社会全面、深度转轨时期,各种新阶层和社会力量竞相成长,社会开始涌现出新情况、新问题,继而导致突发事件高发,社会风险加剧。

    Now our country is going in the period of comprehensive transition of economy and society , at which various hierarchy and social strength fiercely grow up , and new condition and problem come to spring up ; accordingly high emergency and social risk increase .

  17. 新阶层产生于我国改革开放的背景之下,在经济结构转轨和社会转型的基础上不断的发展壮大,成为我国社会主体构成中的一个重要组成部分。

    The new class produced in our country under the background of the reform and opening up , on the basis of the economic structure transition and social transformation constantly to grow , It has become an important part of the main body in society constitute .

  18. 现阶段中国社会新中间阶层构成特征研究

    Characteristics Study on the Composition of the New-middle-stratum in Contemporary China

  19. 论新社会阶层的社会属性和社会功能

    On the social attribute and function of the new social class

  20. 新中产阶层与新课程改革的知识选择

    New Intermediate Stratum & Knowledge Choice in the New Curriculum Reform

  21. 新社会阶层统战工作探析

    Discussion on the United Front Work of the New Social Ranks

  22. 统一战线与中华民族凝聚力的互动&新社会阶层统战工作思路及对策初探

    The Interaction of United Front and Chinese Nation 's Cohesive Force

  23. 新社会阶层的出现给统战工作带来巨大变化。

    Its appearance brings great changes to the united front work .

  24. 外来人口正在成为城市的新贫困阶层。

    Floating people is becoming the new poverty-stricken level of the society .

  25. 新社会阶层在构建社会主义和谐社会中的作用

    The Effect of the New Social Class on Building Socialist Harmonious Society

  26. 不断有新的阶层跨入市民群体。

    There have been new class into the public groups .

  27. 准确理解在新社会阶层中发展党员的问题

    Issues in Correct Comprehension on Recruiting Party Members in New Social Stratums

  28. 我国新社会阶层形成及发展的政治生态基础

    Political Ecosystem Foundation of China 's New Social Stratum

  29. 试析新社会阶层的共同特征

    On the Common Characteristics of the New Classes

  30. 新社会阶层在我国宪政建设中的作用

    The New Social Strata 's Impacts on the Construction of China 's Constitutional Government