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  1. 对了,我们从她嫁后的姓找到了他姐姐。

    Well , we found his sister listed under her married name .

  2. 用汉语拼音拼写中国人名,必须姓在前,名在后,姓和名的汉语拼音首字母都应大写。

    For instance , family names come before given names , with the first letters of each name capitalized .

  3. 戈登的姓氏是弗林特-约翰逊,那是他父亲的姓和他母亲再嫁后的姓的组合。

    Gordon 's surname is flint-johnson , which is a combination of the surnames of his father and his mother after she remarried .

  4. 大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。

    The majority of British women adopt their husband 's surname when they marry .

  5. 在周六浦东苹果店开张后一位姓林的顾客发现在螺旋形楼梯的下面有一群行迹猥琐的男性在专心地看着什么。

    A customer at the opening day on Saturday , surnamed Lin , spotted a group of creepy looking men at the bottom of the spiral staircase in the Pudong New Area store 's glass cylindrical construction looking upwards attentively .

  6. 当天吉瑞从秀台下去后,一位姓杨的先生和后台保安让他马上离开,他也没有参加最后谢幕。

    When Jera returned from the runway , Mr. Young and the backstage security guards told him he had to leave immediately , and he did not return for the finale .