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hòu xī
  • Houxi
后溪[hòu xī]
  1. 针刺后溪、申脉对青年健康人大脑中动脉影响的研究

    The Study of Effect on the MCA of the Younger by Stimulating with Acupuncture on the Houxi and Shenmai Points

  2. 针刺后溪穴治疗面肌抽搐的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Facial Spasm Treated by Acupuncture at Houxi Point

  3. 针刺后溪神、门对脑外伤性痴呆的影响

    Influence of Cerebral Traumatic Dementia Treated with Acupuncture at Houxi and Shenmen

  4. 电针后溪穴治疗急性腰扭伤的临床观察

    Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Acute Lumbar Sprain by Electroacupuncture of Point Houxi

  5. 治疗组采用单刺后溪穴结合颈椎牵引治疗,对照组采用针刺常规穴位结合颈椎牵引治疗。

    The observation group was treated with single-point acupuncture ( houxi , SI3 ) plus cervical traction and the control group was treated with conventional acupuncture plus cervical traction .

  6. 冷激与涂膜处理对采后琯溪蜜柚的生理效应

    Physiological Effects of Film-coating and Cold-shocking Treatment on Post-harvest Guanxi Honey Pummelo Fruits

  7. 三峡水库蓄水后澎溪河消落带植物群落格局及多样性

    Pattern and Biodiversity of Plant Community in Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone of Pengxi River After Impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir

  8. 此外,在不同层级的保育行动间,它业已成为后龙溪流域镶嵌连结式自主环境治理的核心。

    In addition , the MLRCA has been the core of a conservation network , which combines initiatives at various governing levels .

  9. 王功生态景观桥靠近王功渔港,横跨后港溪,连结港区及街区。

    The Wang-Gong Footbridge is located near the Wang-Gong fishing port , across Hou-Gang River , and connects the port and street block areas .

  10. 方法采用计算机叠加技术,观察了皮下注射士的宁后电针解溪穴,对大鼠脊髓场电位(SFP)的影响。

    Method A computer superposition technique was used to observe the effect of electroacupuncture of point Jiexi ( ST41 ) on rat spinal field potential ( SFP ) after subdermal injection of strychnine .