
  1. 第十四题下团后地陪的后续工作有哪些?

    What does the following work contain after the tour group packing off ?

  2. 大雨后地裂缝显现,雨水沿裂隙面下渗时,发生潜蚀、刷大、贯通而造成塌陷。

    Earth fissure is the result of water sinking and under erosion along the fissure surface , after severe rain .

  3. 汕头市氟病区改水后地氟病患病率变化规律的回顾性调查

    Retrospective investigation on Change in Incidence Rates of Endemic Fluorosis in Epidemic Fluorosis Areas of Shantou City with Drinking Water Improvement

  4. 根据现行法律的规定,土地使用期限届满后地上建筑物和附着物均由国家无偿取得。

    Under the existing provisions of the law , State has free access to the use rights on the ground and buildings when land tenure expires .

  5. 结果表明,稻麦套种对不同类型小麦花后地上部各器官游离氨基酸含量和籽粒蛋白质含量及其他品质指标有显著影响。

    The results were as follows : planting types significantly influenced the free amino acid content in the different organs above ground and grain protein content after anthesis .

  6. 我确定厚纸板被在洞上方向后地以带子绑起当它是而且我回去我的房间而且开始拉我自己一次非常热的沭浴。

    I made sure the cardboard was taped back over the hole as it had been and I went back to my room and began to draw myself a very hot bath .

  7. 对于出让土地使用权终止后地上建筑物和其他附着物的归属应当按照房地分离和保护财产所有权的原则在今后的立法中予以改正。

    The ownership of the buildings and structures stick to the ground after the termination of the granted land - use rights should be corrected in the future legislation , according to the principle of " separation of buildings and land " and protection of rights of ownership .

  8. 她和伊迪大吵一架后怒气冲冲地夺门而出。

    She had a blazing row with Eddie and stormed out of the house .

  9. 他在继任者被任命后体面地引退了。

    He had bowed out gracefully when his successor had been appointed .

  10. 那些女人听了一些下流的笑话后粗俗地大笑。

    The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar jokes

  11. 彼得听到这消息后震惊地昏了过去。

    Peter fainted away with the shock of the news .

  12. 干完活后把地扫一扫。

    Please brush the floor over when you have finished .

  13. 将蛋打好后慢慢地掺入面粉。

    After you have beaten the eggs , mix in the flour gradually .

  14. 例句约翰在玩完玩具后自觉地把它们收拾好,放回了原位。

    John put away his toys off his own bat after playing with them .

  15. 三个教授在站台上等火车。他们正在全神贯注地谈话。火车进站了,可是他们都没有注意到。这个时候,列车员喊道:“请上车了!”教授们听到后飞快地向火车跑去。

    There were three professors shouted , " Take your seats , please ! " The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train .

  16. 老鼠尝到了甜头,便呼朋招友成群结队地赶来。钻进去大吃特吃,吃饱后高高兴兴地回洞。

    After getting the benefit , the mice came in gangs to climb in the pitcher and feasted themselves with the grains inside , and then went back to their holes happily .

  17. 通常可以将Web站点保存在/var中,因为Web站点可能会在一段时间后异常地累积大量的数据。

    It 's commonplace also for Web sites to be kept in / var because a Web site tends to amass data preternaturally over time .

  18. 施磷肥后,地上部N、B显著下降,地下部K、P、N上升幅度较大。

    N and B contents of aboveground portion decreased markedly ; the declined range of K , P and N of underground portion were great after applying P fertilizer .

  19. PCI术后不可避免地会引起血管内皮损伤及内皮功能障碍,进而导致血管内皮损伤局部新生内皮过渡增殖引起再狭窄的发生。

    PCI will inevitably lead to vascular endothelial injury and cause endothelial dysfunction , Which will lead to transitional proliferation of new endothelial in the local of vascular endothelial injury , and then cause the restenosis .

  20. 随着世界产业结构调整的加快,我国加入WTO后房地产业集中度低的状况,严重影响了我国房地产企业的市场竞争力,阻碍了房地产市场结构的优化。

    Along with adjusting industrial structure in the world and China 's entering WTO , the lower concentration of estate industry will affect the efficiency of estate market and the competition of estate enterprises , which is not good for bettering the structure of estate market .

  21. 你会在水逆结束后狠狠地失望一次。

    You could be bitterly disappointed once Mercury goes direct again .

  22. 小男孩膝盖受伤后表现地很勇敢。

    The little boy behaved bravely after he hurts his knee .

  23. 为灾后目的地的发展提供了一条思路。

    Provide a way for the development of post-disaster destination .

  24. 我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。

    I got out of the bed and had a good stretch .

  25. 您需要在进行每一项更改后主动地监视您的站点。

    You need to proactively monitor your site after making each change .

  26. 土钉支护结构引入我国后更多地是应用于临时性支护工程中。

    Usually the soil-nail retaining structure is used in the temporary retaining engineering .

  27. 经干燥、煅烧后成功地制成了单分散性相当好的氧化镍微粉。

    After drying and calcination , nickel oxide powder with fairly good uniformity is obtained .

  28. 您的老板看了最近的流量报告后急急地走进您的办公室。

    Your boss pops back into your office after looking at the latest traffic reports .

  29. 地勘队伍属地化后,地勘行业管理更为必要。

    After localization , management has become more and more important in geological prospecting industry .

  30. 该系统应用于实践后有效地减轻了驾驶员的负担,提高了工作效率和自行式铲运机的安全性。

    The system can alleviate the labor of the driver and improve the security of the scraper effectively .