
  • 网络progeny testing;progeny test
  1. 畜禽测定的多目标决策模型I.后裔测定的Fuzzy多目标规划

    The multiobjective decision model in animal testing I. fuzzy multiobjective programming of progeny testing

  2. 单位费用遗传进展最大的后裔测定

    The progeny testing of the maxial genetic gain in unit cost

  3. 结果表明:现实育种值的数值和方向与后裔测定育种值十分一致,与一次测定值的育种值差很大,现实育种值的方向与BLUP值比较一致。

    The results indicated that the numerical value and direction of realized breeding value were in agreement with those of progeny test . There is obvious difference between the realized value and the breeding value of one observation .

  4. 公牛后裔测定方案的最佳设计(Ⅱ)

    Optimum Design for the Scheme of Progeny Testing of Bulls (ⅱ)

  5. 肉用种公牛的后裔测定提高种公牛利用率的技术措施

    The Progeny Testing Program of Beef Bull Technical Measurements of Improving Reproduction Efficiency of Breeding Bull

  6. 肉牛育种工作中对种公牛种用价值最终认定是通过后裔测定完成的。

    The best way that a bull is selected in a beef breeding scheme is its progeny test .

  7. 本文在考虑后裔测定总费用受限或者遗传进展一定时,探讨了几种情况下的公畜(禽)后裔组的最佳值。

    The optimum group size of progeny of sire ( or poultry ) was disscussedwhen the total cost of testing was limited or the genetic gain was fixed .

  8. 现行方案世代间隔为4.48年,投入产出比为1:14.04,公羊后裔测定的后代数低,种公母羊的利用年限较长,还有较大的改进余地。

    The generation interval of current breeding scheme is 4.48 years , ratio of input and output is 1:14.04 , the number of ram progeny test is low , and the useful life of ram and ewe is longer and so on can be improved . 3 .