
  1. 令我后军多积粮食,不要使敌人知道我军企图。

    Order our rear army to stockpile supplies and foodstuffs without causing the enemy to know our intentions .

  2. 有消息说,传闻流传会谈后军政府已经对吴督桑纳进行威胁,但有的声称双方谈判是军政权背后推动的。

    Some sources said rumors had circulated that U Thuzana was threatened by Burmese officials following the talks , while others claimed the regime was behind the negotiations .

  3. 事变后东北军西北军最终选择了乙方案,国共继续进行着谈判。

    After Incident , Northwestern Army and the Northeast Army eventually had selected Option B , the KMT-CPC to continue negotiations .

  4. 卫、所都隶属于都司(相当于今省一级的军事领导机构),各都司又分别归中央的五军都督府(左、右、中、前、后等军都督府)统辖。

    Wei and Suo were the subsidiaries of DuSi , a provincial military leading organization nowadays , which was governed by central military organization .

  5. 深化以战区为基础的卫生联勤保障后,军兵种部队不再保留医疗保障实体,必须相应改革特勤人员医疗保障模式。

    With the deepening of joint services based on war region , the corps will no longer keep the health support organization , and their health support model will be changed correspondingly .

  6. 他补充说,昨日上午10时左右发生袭击,后缅军车队返回克伦邦高克雷市。后来派出一些缅军部队清除道路。

    He added that the convoy headed back to Kawkareit in Karen state after the attack took place around10am yesterday , and later sent out some army troops to clear the route .

  7. 分裂后与缅军结盟对抗克伦民族联盟。

    The group joined forces with the Burmese military to fight against the KNU .

  8. 世界大战结束后,战时军工业性质的研究成果则被用来生产化肥。

    At the end of the war , these industrial-scale efforts were re-purposed to produce chemical fertilizers .

  9. 我们起飞后,经过军方正召开的大会活动现场,当时音箱里播放着振奋人心的爱国乐曲。

    As it took off we flew over an army sports gala with patriotic music pounding from speakers .

  10. 昨晚,直升机等数架飞机降落基达尔机场后,法军控制了基达尔的机场。

    French forces now control Kidal airport after a number of aircraft , including helicopters , landed there last night .

  11. 当5架飞机都降落后,国防军的装甲车被部署来守卫机场各点。

    Once all five planes were on the ground , IDF armored personnel carriers deployed to take up positions around the airport .

  12. 进行了好一阵炮击后,我军象潮水般地冲上前去跟敌人展开一场白刃战。

    After a long period of shelling , our army surged forward and closed with the enemy in hand to hand fighting .

  13. 洗劫比勒拜斯后,十字军和埃及联军与谢尔库赫部队将在吉萨西部尼罗河畔的沙漠作战。

    After the sacking of Bilbais , the Crusader-Egyptian force and Shirkuh 's army were to engage in a battle on the desert border of the Nile River , just west of Giza .

  14. 在灾难发生后,缅甸军政府领导人拒绝接受大部分外国援助,并拒绝给协调这一庞大人道救援行动所需的专家提供签证。

    In the aftermath of this disaster , the country 's military rulers refused to accept most foreign aid and refused to grant visas to the experts needed to coordinate a vast humanitarian operation .

  15. 杜文秀起义失败后,大清军对大理的回族采取了严厉的报复措施,使得回族若干代人都感到不安全。

    After Du Wenxiu 's rebel state collapsed the Qing troops took a terrible revenge on Dali 's Hui , so that for more than a generation it was unsafe to be known as Hui .

  16. 接下来邦联军赢得了第二次布尔渊战役,在安堤耶坦溪血腥战役后,联邦军没有成功阻止由罗伯特李领导的北维吉尼亚军队的脱逃。

    The Confederates won the second battle of Bull Run , and the Union army failed to stop Robert E. Lee 's Army of Northern Virginia from escaping after the bloody battle at Antietam Creek .

  17. 高中毕业后他参了军。

    After he graduated high school , he joined the army .

  18. 他离校后就参了军。

    He joined the army immediately upon leaving school .

  19. 长大后他参了军,看书的时间更少了。

    However , there was still less time for reading when he served in the army after he grew up .

  20. 当军团部队突进城中后,新加州军引爆了埋伏好的爆炸物而对军团造成了巨大的人员伤亡,以此扼制了他们的攻势。

    When the Legion forces entered the city , the NCR detonated the explosives and inflicted severe casualties among the Legion forces , crippling their offensive .

  21. 在基督教圣坛被拯救回来后,许多十字军士兵返回家园,开始做其他的一些事情,比如修建。

    After the shrines of Christianity were in " safe " hands , many Crusaders returned home and turned their attention to other things , like the cathedral at Chartres .

  22. 本文认为粟末靺鞨被高句丽打败以后,主体部分降隋进入中原,后随安史乱军南下居于华北地区,多融入汉族之中。

    This paper thinks that the principal part of Sumomohe people , after being defeated by Gaogouli , entered the central plains and most of them inosculated into Han people .

  23. 在珠海上班几年后回家找马军玩,我离开老家后,他也辞去学校的公职,去了一家地产公司上班。

    After working several years in Zhuhai play home to find Ma , I left home , he quit his job in the public schools , went to a real estate company to work .

  24. 三年后他参了军,上世纪70年代末期得以考入广东省中山大学,毕业后被分配到河南省外经贸厅当了名公务员。

    Three years later he joined the army and in the late 1970s was able to enrol in Zhongshan University in Guangdong Province before being assigned to a government job in the economy and Trade Bureau in the poor central province of Henan .

  25. 日本投降后,朝鲜义勇军挺进东北,一部去朝鲜,剩下的被编成三个支队,在朝鲜族聚居区进行活动,促进了朝鲜族社会历史的发展。

    After Japanese aggressors ' unconditional surrender in 1945 , the army marches toward Northeast China . Part of the army are sent to Korea and the rest are reorganized into three detachments and operate in the Korean-populated area , so that they promote the social development there .

  26. 抗日战争胜利后,朝鲜义勇军由于各方面原因没能直接进入朝鲜国内,从华北到东北三省的朝鲜人聚居地区,继续为这些地区朝鲜民族的翻身解放而进行了艰苦的斗争。

    After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan , Korea Volunteers did not enter Korea directly due to various reasons , they contributed to fight hard for the Korea people ′ liberation in the North China and the North - east China where the Korea people lived .

  27. 后亲自率楚军渡河,并下令全军破釜沉舟,规定每人只带三日口粮,以显示与秦军决一死战尚决心。

    Then , he led his troops cross the river , having all the boats and cooking vessels destroyed and ordered his soldiers to carry enough grain rations for only three days to make it clear that no one could return unless they won . He directed his forces to launch successive attacks on Qin .

  28. 后又被选入国民政府司法院法官训练所受训,毕业后历任军法官、司法官、律师及重庆市参议员等职。

    After another training in judicial department , he successively held the posts of judge , lawyer , municipal senator , and in1945 served as the director of Sha-ci District .