
nán bīn xiàng
  • paranymph;groomsman;best man in a wedding;bridesman;best man;usher
男傧相 [nán bīn xiàng]
  • [bridesman;groomsman] 婚礼时照顾新郎的伴郎

男傧相[nán bīn xiàng]
  1. 10分钟后,梅根在两名穿着军礼服的小男傧相的陪伴下,从一辆劳斯莱斯第四代幻影(Rolls-RoycePhantom4)上下来。

    Ten minutes later , Ms. Markle stepped from a Rolls-Royce Phantom 4 , in the company of two small pageboys in military dress .

  2. 男傧相准备好让父亲感到荣幸了吗?

    Best man ready to do his dad proud ?

  3. 新郎和男傧相的钮孔上都戴了一朵白色的康乃馨。

    The bridegroom and the best man wore white carnations in their buttonholes .

  4. 他在出发去教堂前已经把戒指交给了男傧相。

    Giving the ring to the best man before leaving for the church .

  5. 男傧相的演讲进展顺利吗?

    Blair : Best man speech going that well ?

  6. 谁将担任你的男傧相?

    Who is going to be your best man ?

  7. 紧张是指对于事件本身的焦虑,男傧相是否会喝醉?

    Nerves are about anxiety over the event-will the best man get drunk ?

  8. 男傧相的发方充满了各种各样关于新郎的俏皮话。

    The best man 's speech contained all sorts of witticisms about the bridegroom .

  9. 如果新郎有兄弟的话一般由他来担任男傧相。

    The best man is usually a brother , if the groom has one .

  10. 男傧相要负责装饰汽车。

    And the best man decorate the car .

  11. 男傧相总是保管戒指的。

    The best man always keeps the rings .

  12. 她记得男傧相在他们的婚礼上的致辞。

    Best man she remembered the speech the best man had made at their wedding .

  13. 他们让我做男傧相!

    They made me their best man .

  14. 保管戒指的男傧相拿出戒指来。

    The best man , who keeps the rings , will take the rings out .

  15. 他是男傧相呀。

    He 's your best man .

  16. 他们的家庭成员很多,所以他们的兄弟姐妹会做他们的男傧相和女傧相。

    They both have big families , so their siblings will be the bridesmaids and Groomsmen .

  17. (为什么伴娘、男童、男傧相和迎宾员在婚礼中都穿着类似的服装呢?)

    J : Why do bridesmaids , pages , a best man and ushers dress similarly at weddings ?

  18. 自从男傧相敬酒之后,坐在你旁边的那个家伙一直喋喋不休。

    The guy sitting next to you has been talking your ear off since the best man 's toast .

  19. 因是乔治介绍彼得与萨拉相识的,由他来作他们婚礼的男傧相是最合适的。

    As George introduced Peter and Sarah it is only fit that he should be best man at their wedding .

  20. 黛拉:那是一种风俗,新娘总是亲吻她的男傧相。

    Della Leiter : That 's a custom , you see . The bride always gets to kiss her best man .

  21. 克洛伊:他昨天出席朋友约翰的婚礼,做男傧相,致词时严重失言。

    Chloe : Well he was best man at his friend 's , John 's , wedding yesterday and he dropped a real clanger in his best man 's speech .