
  • 网络male hormone;testosterone;androgen
  1. 因为这种类固醇是一种男性荷尔蒙。

    Because this particular steroid is an androgen .

  2. 在对女性的调查中,和男性一样,根据数据来看,关爱他人且具有团队精神的女性由于雌激素值更高,因而面容更女性化,而更有闯劲和冒险精神的女性则拥有更高的男性荷尔蒙,所以更倾向于拥有中性化的外形。

    In women as well as men , caring and cooperative personalities are statistically more likely to have a more ' feminine " face , due to higher oestrogen levels , while aggressive risk-takers tend to have higher testosterone levels and a more ' masculine " face .

  3. 从而形成了一个男性荷尔蒙的环境

    that it created , essentially , a masculine hormonal environment .

  4. 长期以来人们一直认为这种好侵犯人的性格是由于男性荷尔蒙引起的。

    It has long been assumed that aggression is caused by male hormones .

  5. 更多的典型的男性荷尔蒙

    to the more typical masculine component of hormones .

  6. 可是,今天科学家们认为男性荷尔蒙只能说明一部分问题。

    Scientists today believe that male hormones are only part of the explanation , however .

  7. 大多数早期前列腺癌需要男性荷尔蒙即雄性激素才能生长。

    Most early prostate cancers require male sex hormones , known as androgens , to grow .

  8. 他们表示,原型男性荷尔蒙会促使过度繁荣,而这正是市场泡沫的特征。

    Researchers say the archetypal male hormone may drive the excessive exuberance that characterises market bubbles .

  9. 我的论点是:男性荷尔蒙是这个星球上一切麻烦之源。

    My contention is that male hormones are the ultimate cause of trouble on this planet .

  10. 剩下的便在以后的过程里每隔二十四米给予一剂男性荷尔蒙。

    The others get a dose of male sex-hormone every twenty-four metres for the rest of the course .

  11. 苦豆中含有一种皂角化合物质,他被认为是可以刺激男性荷尔蒙的分泌,其中包括了睾丸素(关乎于男性雄风的重要荷尔蒙)。

    Fenugreek seeds contain compounds called saponins which are thought to stimulate production of male sex hormones including testosterone .

  12. 这种说法的论据是人们认为曲线较不明显的妇女具有较多的男性荷尔蒙——睾丸素酮。

    The reasoning behind this is that less curvy women are thought to have higher levels of the male hormone , testosterone .

  13. 把这些人渣从未阿富汗吧!这样他们的男性荷尔蒙兴许就能冷却下来了。

    Send the bum to Afghanistan ! That 'd cool off his excess testosterone . A little waltzing with the Taliban would do him some good .

  14. 男性荷尔蒙睾丸素竟成了华尔街交易者为赶超职场竞争对手而选用的药物。

    The male hormone testosterone has become an unlikely drug of choice for Wall Street traders seeking to give themselves an edge over their professional rivals .

  15. 令人吃惊的是,金发似乎与男性荷尔蒙水平的联系并不很大,如果有的话,尽管更多的研究总是能有令人惊喜的发现。

    Surprisingly , blond hair does not seem to relate as much , if at all , to male hormone levels , although more research could always uncover surprises .

  16. 罹患原因有许多,一个是男性荷尔蒙,另一是缺乏谷胱甘肽酶,尤其是GSH-S转移酶。

    Several factors are related to this condition , one being male hormones ( androgens ) and another being deficiencies in glutathione ( GSH ) enzymes , in particular GSH-S-transferases .

  17. 从另一方面来看,在男性荷尔蒙旺盛的老爷们儿唱主角的投资界,最重要的事情是打败其他的男人,第二重要的事情是炫耀自己的胜利。

    On the other hand , in the testosterone-poisoned sandbox of the male investor , the most important thing is beating the other guy ; the second most important : bragging about it .

  18. 它们可以促进骨髓生长更新男性的荷尔蒙

    They 're used to stimulate the growth of bone marrow , as hormone replacements in males

  19. 每个大脑最初在它的组织里是雌性的,它只在男性胎儿开始分泌荷尔蒙的时候变成男性大脑。

    Every brain is initially female in its organisation and it only becomes a male brain when the male foetus begins to secrete hormones .

  20. 首先,决定男性重要特征的荷尔蒙睾丸激素,其工作机制与影响人类智力的化学元素相冲撞。

    First , the hormone testosterone , which is responsible for masculine features in males , works in contradiction to the chemicals that influence intelligence .

  21. 男性在面临压力时也会释放这种荷尔蒙,但是男性荷尔蒙会将它的效用抑制到最小。

    Men , too , release oxytocin in response to stress , but male hormones minimize its effects .