
  • 网络Beijing First Aid Center
  1. 浅析突发公共卫生事件中思想政治工作的作用&以北京急救中心为例分析

    Case study-discuss the role of mentality education in emergency public health issues

  2. 王蕾(音译),30岁,是北京急救中心营养科的一名营养师。

    Wang Lei , 30 , dietitian in Nutrition Department in Beijing Emergency Medical Center

  3. 多年来,北京急救中心发扬特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能奉献的精神,圆满完成各项任务。

    Over the years , Beijing First Aid Centre carries forward the spirit of " endure hardship specially , fight specially and contribute specially " and successfully accomplished the tasks .

  4. 通过回顾北京急救中心抗击非典斗争的历程,论述了在处理突发公共卫生事件中急救中心管理者强化应变意识,提高应变能力的工作体会。

    By reviewing the process of fighting SARS by Beijing Emergence Service Center , the article discusses the issues to intensify the contingency awareness and contingency ability of the managers of emergence centers in handling sudden public health incidents .

  5. 在被送到医院之前,北京红十字急救中心(999)的医护人员也对他进行了心肺复苏术,但是后来送到医院后还是不治身亡。

    Jin also received CPR from Beijing Red Cross Emergency Rescue Center ( 999 ) medical staff before he was sent to the hospital where he was certified dead .