
  1. 宝格丽度假酒店(BulgariHotelsandResorts)在北京使馆区修建的全球第五家分店也计划于2017年开业。

    Also in 2017 , Bulgari Hotels and Resorts will open its fifth worldwide property in the Embassy District .

  2. WoodieAlan乐队定期在北京使馆区日坛公园内的“石舫”酒吧(TheStoneBoat)演出。

    Woodie Alan plays regularly at The Stone Boat , inside Ritan Park , within one of the city 's Embassy districts .

  3. 位于北京使馆区的三源里菜市场是北京的一家大型超市,这里的货架上开始越来越多地摆满外国商品。

    The Sanyuanli Market , located next to the embassy district in Beijing , is one of the supermarkets across the Chinese capital which are stocking their shelves with more and more foreign groceries .

  4. 20世纪初期,反基督教的义和团成员围攻北京的外国使馆区,同样差点推翻了清帝国。义和团成员相信他们的信仰可以让自己刀枪不入。

    At the dawn of the 20th century the members of the anti-Christian Boxer Uprising , who believed their faith made them impervious to bullets , laid siege to the foreign legation embassy quarter in Beijing and also nearly toppled the empire .