
  • 网络boreal forest;North Forest
  1. 土壤呼吸和木质残体分解释放出的CO2通量是北方森林生态系统输入大气圈的最主要的碳源。

    CO 2 fluxes from soil respiration and woody debris decomposition are the largest carbon source to the atmosphere in boreal forest ecosystems .

  2. 北方森林吸收的排碳量胜于任何现存的生态系统。

    The boreal forest sequesters more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem .

  3. 北方森林土壤呼吸和木质残体分解释放出的CO2通量

    Carbon dioxide fluxes from soil respiration and woody debris decomposition in boreal forests

  4. 匈奴史事与北方森林植被

    The ancient northern forest vegetation depicted out of the historical materials concerning Xiongnu

  5. 位于卑诗省的北方森林西部边界

    The western border of the boreal in British Columbia

  6. 北方森林动物园观赏鸟类寄生蠕虫的调查研究

    The Investigation on Parasitic Helminthes of Ornamental Birds in the Northern Forest Zoo

  7. 最大的荒野地区是北方森林。

    The largest wilderness area is the Boreal Forest .

  8. 不仅是北方森林大部分区域

    not just a large section of the boreal .

  9. 论北方森林、农业、矿业开发生态环境监测指标

    Discussing monitoring characteristic about forest , agriculture and mining exploiting in north ecological environment

  10. 在安大略省,北方森林向南延伸

    In Ontario , the boreal marches down south

  11. 北方森林贯穿了阿拉斯加、加拿大、北欧和俄罗斯。

    The Boreal Forest extends across Alaska , Canada , northern Europe and Russia .

  12. 沥青砂可能造成的威胁不仅是北方森林大部分区域。

    The tar sands could threaten not just a large section of the boreal .

  13. 全球变化和北方森林:阈值,移动态或逐渐变化?

    Global change and the boreal forest : thresholds , shifting states or gradual change ?

  14. 哈尔滨北方森林动物园观赏肉食目动物寄生蠕虫感染情况调查

    Investigation of parasitic helminthes in ornamental carnivorous animals in the northern forest zoo of Harbin

  15. 纵观整个北方森林,我们幸运地拥有丰富的湿地资源。

    All across the boreal , we 're blessed with this incredible abundance of wetlands .

  16. 北方森林是横贯大陆的。

    The boreal forest is transcontinental .

  17. 在安大略省,北方森林向南延伸直抵苏必利尔湖北岸。

    In Ontario , the boreal marches down south to the north shore of Lake Superior .

  18. 因此,北方森林不仅是自然遗产的重要组成,

    and so the boreal is not just a really key part of our natural heritage ,

  19. 北方森林草原生态过渡带的遥感研究

    A Glimpse of the Grassland The Remote Sensing Study on the Characteristics of Forest steppe Ecotone

  20. 这片美不胜收的北方森林

    And these incredibly beautiful boreal forests

  21. 北方森林或许亦是对抗全球暖化及气候变迁的最佳防线

    The boreal forest is also perhaps our best defense against global warming and climate change .

  22. 位于卑诗省的北方森林西部边界即海岸山脉,

    The western border of the boreal in British Columbia is marked by the Coast Mountains ,

  23. 北方森林吸收的排碳量

    The boreal forest sequesters more carbon

  24. 国际北方森林研究协会

    International Boreal Forest Research Association

  25. 每英亩北方森林吸收的温室气体比热带雨林多两倍

    twice as much greenhouse gases are sequestered in the boreal per acre than the tropical rainforests .

  26. 在北方森林

    Trapped underneath the boreal forest

  27. 中国北方森林植被主要表土花粉类型对植被的指示性

    Indication of some major pollen taxa in surface samples to their parent plants of forest in northern China

  28. 研究结果为进一步开展北方森林土壤碳循环研究提供了一定的数据基础。

    The results could provide some based data for the further development of the boreal forest soil carbon cycle .

  29. 在北方森林及北阿尔伯塔省湿地下方蕴藏着大量粘稠、似焦油的沥青。

    Trapped underneath the boreal forest and wetlands of northern Alberta are these vast reserves of this sticky , tar-like bitumen .

  30. 量化这个通量并深刻理解其中的机理过程,是评价和预测北方森林在全球变化中的作用必不可少的内容。

    Quantifying these fluxes and understanding the underlying mechanisms are necessary for assessing and predicting the role of boreal forests in the global change .