
  1. 我们用这个方法研究了北京医疗器械研究所生产的6MeVBJ-6加速器的机头散射情况并和实验测量结果进行了比较。

    Using the formaula and the method the scattering effects were systematically investigated for the 6 MeV BJ-6 linac Produced by Beijing Medical Equipment Institute .

  2. 北京医疗纠纷第三方调解援助及探讨

    Discussion on the third party mediation and assistance on medical dispute in Beijing

  3. 国家药品监督管理局北京医疗器械质量监督检验中心

    Beijing Center for Medical Device Quality Supervision and Testing of State Drug Administration

  4. 对北京医疗基本保险制度的思考

    Reflection on the health services insurance of Beijing

  5. 北京医疗器械研究所从医疗器械的学科特点看医疗器械的科学监管

    Review on the Scientific Supervise and Management of Medical Device through the Subject Characteristic of the Medical Device

  6. 随着信息技术的发展,从政府到百姓,对高效、便利的追求越来越迫切。北京医疗保险通过多年的实践,及参保人群的不断增加,原始的手工报销方式已经不能满足人们的需求。

    With the development of information technology , from government to the people , pursuit of efficiency and convenience have become more urgent . At the same time , after many years of practice , the insured population greatly increased in the Beijing Medical Insurance .

  7. 北京市医疗服务市场医疗装备竞赛现象验证

    Study on Medical Arms Race in Beijing Health Service Market

  8. 北京市医疗保险基金运行的现状、问题与展望

    The presents , problems and prospects of operation of medical insurance fund in Beijing City

  9. 20世纪下半叶北京中医医疗机构发展史略

    Brief history of development of institutions of traditional Chinese medicine in latter half of 20th century

  10. 本文报道北京市医疗照射剂量调查中,有关X线透视检查育龄妇女宫内节育器(俗称透环)所致受检者的体表照射量及其分布情况。

    This paper reports the surface exposure and its distribution of the women from intrauterine device fluoroscopy in Beijing .

  11. 目的评估北京市医疗机构传染病报告质量并找到影响报告质量的因素。

    Objective To evaluate the quality of the infectious diseases reporting via network in Beijing clinical organization and to filtrate factors that affect reporting quality .

  12. 在制定北京地区医疗卫生资源规划和确定卫生资源配置标准时,应满足北京市和全国其它地区居民对首都卫生服务提供能力的整体要求。

    In the establishment of medical and health resources planning , the government should meet the needs of both residents and non-residents on the medical and health resources .

  13. 他表示,鼓励北京的医疗机构加强互联网+医疗服务,为外地医疗机构和患者提供必要的远程会诊和医疗支持服务。

    He says that medical institutions in Beijing have been encouraged to strengthen their online medical care capability to offer necessary remote consultation and medical support for out-of-town patients .

  14. 目的分析北京市医疗保险A类三级定点医疗机构的费用增长趋势,为制定北京市的医保政策提供依据。

    Objective To analyse the hospitalization expenses increase trend in medical insurance of A group of fixed-point medical institution in Beijing and provide the basis for establishing medical insurance policy in Beijing .

  15. 方法:利用北京易思医疗器械有限公司MP妊高征监测系统对西宁、海西、玉树三个不同海拔地区300例正常妊娠妇女进行血液动力监测。

    Methods : A total of 300 women in pregnancy , who were living in xining ( 2 260m ), haixi ( 3 000m ) and yushu ( 3 680m ) area , were detected on hemodynamics using MP hypertension in pregnancy detecting system .

  16. 北京市基层医疗机构空气消毒效果调查

    Survey on air disinfection efficacy in basic medical institutions of Beijing

  17. 北京市个体医疗机构紫外线杀菌灯使用情况调查

    Survey of use of ultraviolet germicidal lamp in private medical institutions in Beijing

  18. 北京市残疾人医疗保障研究

    Study on health insurance for Disabled persons in Beijing

  19. 结果,北京市基层医疗机构空气消毒效果总合格率为82.53%。

    Results : The overall eligible rate of air disinfection efficacy in basic medical institutions of Beijing was 82.53 % .

  20. 对北京市涉外医疗服务的思考开展医院分级管理前后医疗质量和工作效率的定量对比分析

    A Comparative and Quantitative Analysis of the Quality and Efficiency of Medical Services before and after Implementing Hospital Stratified Management

  21. 结论:我院中成药基本都属于《北京市基本医疗保险和工伤保险药品目录》内品种。

    CONCLUSION : Almost all of the CPMs used in our hospital are categories recorded in Beijing basic medical insurance and workplace injuries medical insurance .

  22. 结论,北京市个体医疗机构压力蒸汽灭菌器配备量不足,压力蒸汽灭菌器监测频率及其合格率偏低;

    Conclusion : The private medical institutions in Beijing were insufficiently equipped with autoclaves . The frequency of monitoring and eligible rate of the autoclaves were low .

  23. 为了解北京市个体医疗机构的消毒与灭菌质量,采用现场抽检的方法进行了调查。

    In order to know the disinfection and sterilization quality in private medical institutions in Beijing , field selective examination method was used to carry out a survey .

  24. 结果,北京市个体医疗机构的压力蒸汽灭菌器配备率为82.3%,城区压力蒸汽灭菌器配备率高于郊区县;

    Results : The rate of equipping autoclave in private medical institutions in Beijing was 82.3 % and was higher in urban districts than in the suburban counties .

  25. 介绍了我国云南省、上海市、深圳市、北京市开展医疗责任保险的实际情况和效果,指出目前医疗责任保险实施情况不容乐观。

    The article introduced status and effectiveness of medical responsibility insurance in Yunnan Province , Shanghai City , Shenzhen City and Beijing City in China and it was not optimistic .

  26. 方法:描述北京地区急救医疗资源配置模式的一种新构想,说明如何建立以军队为主导的急救医疗模式。

    Methods : Describe the new plan of distribution mode of medical resources of first aid , account for the method of constructing army oriented medical mode of first aid .

  27. 目的了解口腔器械消毒与灭菌方法,为实施《北京市口腔医疗机构消毒隔离工作规范》提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To learn the disinfection and sterilization for dental instruments and to provide scientific basis for related regulations according to the scheme made by Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control .

  28. 从北京市公费医疗大额消耗的92例死亡病例的费用结构及住院天数的统计,提示由住院日过长、贵重卫生资源的盲目过量投入等而致。

    From the statistics on the cost composition and hospitalization days of 92 death cases , it is suggested that problems do arise from the overdue hospitalization and indiscriminate input of expensive health resources .

  29. 为了解北京市基层医疗机构空气消毒效果情况,以便加强管理,采用现场调查和抽检的方法进行了检测评价。

    In order to know air disinfection efficacy in basic medical institutions of Beijing for the purpose of strengthening administration , on-the-spot survey and selective examination method were used to carry out examination and evaluation .

  30. 目的:解决当前市场经济条件下北京地区军队医疗机构和地方医疗机构在常规医疗配置上出现的矛盾,改变北京地区急救医疗资源模式。

    Objective : Solve contradiction in distribution of medical resources between military medical organizations and local medical organizations in Beijing under market economy , and change distribution mode of medical resources of first aid in Beijing area .