
  1. 它虽然是由西方交响乐团伴奏的,独奏乐器却是一种传统的中国古代弹拨乐器,有点像曼陀林。

    Though accompanied by a western symphony orchestra , the solo instrument is a traditional ancient Chinese plucked string instrument , somewhat like the mandolin .

  2. 配乐响起——是客家民谣、古典和西方交响乐的结合——一个孤独的舞者大步走上舞台,手中是一支长长的,颤颤巍巍的藤杖。

    As the music - a compilation of Hakka folk songs , drumming and Western classical music - began , a lone dancer strode out holding a long , quivering rattan stick .