
  • 网络Impressionist painting
  1. 纳比派将自己的艺术观点和想法融入到印象主义绘画中去,从而使印象主义绘画在纳比派的影响下提升到了一个全新的高度。

    Nabis merged their viewpoints and ideas of the art into Impressionist painting , therefore the Impressionist painting under the influence of the Nabis upgraded to a new level .

  2. 文森特·凡高是后期印象主义绘画大师。

    Vincent Van Gogh was a painting master of later impressionism .

  3. 19世纪的现实主义和印象主义绘画

    The Paintings of Realism and Impressionism in 19th Century

  4. 中西绘画发展探源水墨意笔绘画与印象主义绘画之比较承水墨之神韵创设计之新路论线墨在招贴中的运用

    The Evolution of Chinese and western Painting On the Application of Line and Ink in the Poster

  5. 后印象主义绘画一些作品中简约的造型语言、色彩语言和技法语言一直影响着我的创作思路。

    Some post-Impressionism works of art in the modeling language and the colorful language has influenced my creative ideas .

  6. 第四部分主要从发展和影响的角度来阐述后印象主义绘画的艺术价值以及其对我绘画创作的启发。

    The fourth part describes the impact of post-Impressionism paintings and the values and feelings of their own creation .

  7. 印象主义绘画以其色彩绚烂的农田和流光溢彩的水上景色而很受家庭欢迎。

    Impressionist paintings are very popular for the home , with their views of bright cornfields and sparkling water .

  8. 试论中西方神话的民族属性与文化内涵中西绘画发展探源&水墨意笔绘画与印象主义绘画之比较

    Comparison of National Characteristics and Culture Connotations in Western and Chinese Myths The Evolution of Chinese and western Painting

  9. 传统绘画与现代绘画的转折&论马奈及印象主义绘画的艺术

    A Turning Point of Traditional Painting and Modern Painting On the Feminist Tendency in Manet 's Painting of the Naked

  10. 19世纪后期,随着自然主义文学、象征主义诗歌、印象主义绘画的诞生,印象主义音乐也随之诞生。

    Impressionism music came into being in the late 19th century with the development of naturalism literature , symbolism poetry and impressionism painting .

  11. 第二节对印象主义绘画、印象主义音乐和印象主义文学等进行了梳理,指出了它们各自的特色和表现。

    Section two combs such contents as impressionism painting , impressionism music and impressionism literature , points out their characters and representations respectively .

  12. 第二大部分是后印象主义绘画的内涵,内容包括后印象主义绘画概念的界定以及后印象主义绘画的内涵。

    The second part of the content of the post-Impressionism paintings , including the concept of post-Impressionism paintings and post-Impressionist paintings define the content .

  13. 后印象主义绘画是19世纪后半期~20世纪初期流行于法国、欧美乃至世界的一种文艺思潮。

    The Post-impressionism painting was the second half of the 19th century-the 20th century initial period is popular in French , European and American and even the world one kind of trend of literary and artistic thought .

  14. 19世纪后期,以法国为中心的印象主义绘画风靡欧洲、影响波及世界,印象主义绘画中便借鉴了浮世绘版画的形式语言,充分展现出对美术体系独创性的追求。

    In the late nineteenth century , with France as the center of impressionism painting fashionable Europe , influence spread to the world , then impressionism painting Ukiyoe lessons from the print form language , fully show originality of art system pursuit .

  15. 后印象主义绘画大师们简约化的造型和主观的色彩,对我绘画的观念和思路产生极大的影响,是我选择后印象主义绘画语言中简约特征的研究作为这次学位论文题目的初衷之所在。

    Impressionism paintings after the masters of simplified shapes and subjective color , drawing on the concepts and ideas I have a great impact , I choose to " Research on brief Characteristic of post-Impressionist paintings of the language " as the subject of the original intention of this thesis .

  16. 浅谈印象主义对绘画学习的影响

    Influence of Impressionism on Painting Study

  17. 印象主义的绘画和象征主义的文学诗歌,从艺术观念上影响了印象主义的音乐。

    The impressionist painting and simplistic poetry have influenced the impressionistic music in the aspect concept .

  18. 印象主义将绘画回归到本源,并强调纯粹的形式与纯粹的颜色。

    Impressionism stripped painting back to its roots , restoring the emphasis on pure form and pure colour .

  19. 所以,印象主义是传统绘画向现代绘画的转折。

    So Impressionism is the transfer of painting from tradition to modern .

  20. 印象主义文学艺术与印象主义绘画艺术既有相通之处,又有自身的特点。传统绘画与现代绘画的转折&论马奈及印象主义绘画的艺术

    The art of literary impressionism has great similarities with that of artistic impressionism . A Turning Point of Traditional Painting and Modern Painting