
  • 网络printing material;printed material
  1. 印刷材料表面自由能的测量

    Surface free energy measurement of printing materials

  2. 本文报告了印刷材料表面自由能的测量原理和实验结果。

    Principles and experimental result of surface free energy measurement of printing materials are presented in the report .

  3. 长葛市飞龙印刷材料有限公司是国内重点生产印刷用PS版的高科技骨干企业。

    Changge Feilong Printing Material Co. , Ltd is the domestic key PS lithograph plates of high-tech enterprise .

  4. 据外部专家透露,犹他州在建的一个新存储中心最终的存储能力将超过美国国会图书馆(LibraryofCongress)所有印刷材料内容的10万倍。

    A new storage center being built in Utah will eventually be able to hold more than 100,000 times as much as the contents of printed materials in the Library of Congress , according to outside experts .

  5. 指出只有丝网印刷材料、设备和工艺的创新才能使其向高科技领域拓展,在PCB制造业中占有优势。

    It points out that only by creating new materials , equipment and processes , can screen printing grow into high-tech field and occupy a dominant position in PCB industry .

  6. 出版印刷材料的行为。

    The act of issuing printed materials .

  7. 新型印刷材料&电子纸

    New Printing Material & Electronic Paper

  8. (计算机科学)用微机的制图能力制造印刷材料。

    ( computer science ) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials .

  9. 前景看好的药品包装印刷材料

    Great Prospect Of Medical Packaging-printing Materials

  10. 不要层压印刷材料含有金属油墨,因为空气鼓泡粘连可能会出现问题。

    Do not laminate printed materials containing metallic inks since air bubbling adhesion problems may occur .

  11. 比如,他发现印刷材料读得越多,因特网的使用率就越高。

    For example , he found that high Internet use is linked to high levels of reading printed materials .

  12. 当我被介绍给Filaflex时——这是一种新型的印刷材料,这个突破来了。

    The breakthrough came when I was introduced to Filaflex , which is a new kind of printing material .

  13. 这族材料由一系列的旋涂型光学作图材料以及第二系列的丝网印刷材料组成。

    The family consists of one series of spin-on photopatternable materials , and a second series of screen print materials .

  14. 口袋的内部将有将不擦伤在里面被使用者所插入的其他的印刷材料的一个表面。

    Inside of pockets is to have a surface which will not abrade other printed materials inserted within by end users .

  15. 传统的印刷材料属于工业油墨,污染较重,阻碍了网印艺术的发展。

    The printed materials belong to the industrial ink , which is too polluted to hinder the development of the silkscreen printing and arts .

  16. 独特性:虽然并非必不可少,但与类似的纸质印刷材料相比,无论是覆盖范围还是编排格式方面,网站在提供信息时应具有一定的独特性。

    Uniqueness : Although not essential , a site usually offers something unique either in terms of coverage or format compared to a similar print resource .

  17. 在光学符号识别中,文件上印刷材料的颜色或浓淡和印刷背景之间的差别。

    In optical character recognition , the difference between color or shading of the printed material on a document and the background on which it is printed .

  18. 当被印刷材料通过压印滚筒与柔性挂版带上的柔性印版之间时,完成其印刷过程。

    When materials which are to be printed pass between the impression cylinder and the flexible printing plate on the flexible plate-hanging belt , the printing process is completed .

  19. 由于实验条件限制,影响了配色系统的精度,且实验只是选择了几种比较典型的纸张和油墨,没有覆盖所有的印刷材料,希望在以后的研究中能够改进解决。

    And my experiments only choose several types of paper and ink , which did not cover all the printed materials . So I hope studies can improve the solution in future .

  20. 由于版权制度没有为无法正常使用印刷材料的残疾人规定公平的例外情况,因此阻碍了盲人以及部分失明人士在他们国家中的经济和智力发展。

    Copyright regimes , without fair exceptions to people with a print related disability , hinder the economic and intellectual development of those citizens in their countries , who are blind or partially sighted .

  21. 丝网印刷承印材料第二部分纸张和纸板

    Screen Printing Substrates ( Part 2 ) Paper and Cardboard

  22. 一张书写或印刷的材料。

    A sheet of any written or printed material .

  23. 真空镀铝纸是一种绿色环保型印刷包装材料。

    Vacuum aluminium-plating paper is a kind of environmental protection type printing & packaging material .

  24. 在研究的过程中,我们不仅仅针对名片的文字、图案、版式的设计,还要考虑到印刷、材料、造型及这几大元素的综合效果体现。

    In the course of the study , we are not just for the card text , graphics , layout design , but also take into account the combined effect of the printing , materials , shape , and these elements embody .

  25. 综述了我国光刻胶、FPD专用化学品、印刷电路板材料、高纯试剂、电子特种气体和封装材料的生产和应用现状,目前我国能工业化生产或批量生产的电子化学品近1000种。

    The production and application of photoresist , specialty chemicals for flat panel display , printed circuit board material , high-purity reagent , specialty gas and packaging material in China were summarized . At present , 1000 electronic chemicals can be produced in China in commercial scale or in batches .

  26. 高反差是印刷用感光材料的重要特性。

    High contrast is essential for printing plate technology .

  27. 对油墨亲和性佳,为印刷之良好材料。

    It is compatible with the ink , which becomes the good material in the printing work .

  28. 其中国内喷墨印刷设备及材料自给能力低,国内喷墨印刷形成规模化地少,喷墨墨印刷设备开工时间低这三方面比较突出。

    For example , Ink-jet printing equipment and materials with low self-sufficiency , domestic ink-jet printing of small scale , ink-jet printing equipment start time low .

  29. 介绍了利用微带电路来确定一组高性能、高频印刷电路板材料的介电常数和损耗角正切的方法,且给出了一组印刷电路板材料的特性测量值。

    The paper introduces measurements about dielectric constant and tangential loss angle of a group of good function and high frequency printed electronic circuit plate with microstrip circuit .

  30. 印刷物或书写材料表面的行数。

    The number of lines of printed or written material .