
  • Grapefruit Juice
  1. 西柚汁增加肝移植术患者他克莫司血药浓度的临床评价

    Evaluation and Clinical Significance of Grapefruit Juice on Increasing Tacrolimus Concentration of Liver Transplant Patients

  2. 一份欧陆式早餐,西柚汁,稍烤一下的吐司外加淡茶。

    A continental Breakfast with grapefruit juice , light toast with weak tea to follow .

  3. 西柚汁,还有,我要杯很浓的咖啡。

    Graperfruit juice and please make my coffee very strong .

  4. 那时人们便开始通过每餐食用葡萄柚或饮用西柚汁减低卡路里。

    It involves having grapefruit or grapefruit juice with every meal while cutting back on calories .

  5. 我要单面的煎蛋、西柚汁和一杯清咖啡。

    I 'd like to have fried eggs , sunny-side up , grapefruit juice and a black coffee .

  6. 但这些控制试验的试验结果已经向我们证明,我们有必要对西柚汁提高人体健康方面的潜力作进一步的研究。

    But these results , based on controlled experiments , warrant further study of the potential health-promoting properties of grapefruit juice .

  7. 您要点什么饮料?我们有橘汁,苹果汁,番茄汁,西柚汁和可乐。

    What drink would you like ? We 've got orange juice , apple juice , tomato juice , grapefruit juice and coke .

  8. 前者的配方是伏特加、橙汁和杨梅汁,而后者是伏特加、西柚汁和杨梅汁。

    A Madras is made with vodka , orange juice and cranberry , while a Sea Breeze made with vodka , grapefruit and cranberry juice .

  9. 一项研究表明食用油脂食物时饮用西柚汁最多可以减少五分之一的增重。

    A study has found that drinking grapefruit juice when eating fatty food lowers the amount of weight put on by up to a fifth .

  10. 据科学公共图书杂志报道,实际上,西柚汁在控制胰岛素方面的作用也不亚于广泛使用的糖尿病药物二甲双胍。

    In fact , grapefruit juice was as good at controlling insulin as the widely used diabetes drug metformin , the journal PLOS ONE reports .

  11. 好的,一份美式早餐,要单面煎的鸡蛋、西柚汁及一杯清咖啡,对吗?

    A : Yes , sir . American breakfast with fried eggs , sunny side up , grapefruit juice and a black coffee . Am I correct , sir ?

  12. 但实验中只有在老鼠食用油脂食物时饮用西柚汁才对减肥有效。研究人员表示他们也不知道为什么葡萄柚能够阻止脂肪的形成。

    However , the fruit juice only had an effect on weight when the animals ate fatty food.The researchers said they did not know how grapefruit stops the pounds from piling on .

  13. 研究人员发现同样食用了三个月油脂食物的老鼠,与只喝水的老鼠相比,喝过西柚汁的老鼠的增重仅为前者的82%。

    The researchers found that when the mice were fed fatty food for three months , those given grapefruit juice to drink gained up to 18 per cent less weight than those given water .

  14. 芦荟、西芹、西柚和椰菜汁等都有促进溃疡复原的作用。

    Aloe Vera , celery , grapefruit and cabbage juices promote healing of ulcers .