
tóu qū
  • cephalic flexure;cranial flexure
头曲[tóu qū]
  1. 南阳大调曲与河南板头曲的渊源关系

    Probe into the Origin Relation Between Nanyang Major and Henan Clappers

  2. 因此,在目前大力提倡和弘扬民族精神,振兴民族文化艺术的洪流中,对板头曲进行抢救性保护的任务迫在眉睫。

    So , under the background that the national spirit has been greatly promoted and the national culture has been greatly revitalized , the task that Bantou Music 's protection of salvage is imminent .

  3. 我们周身都紧裹着衣服,靠着床头板,曲起四只膝头,紧挨在一起,两只鼻子各自伏在膝盖上,仿佛我们的膝盖骨就是两只汤婆子。

    the clothes well tucked around us , leaning against the headboard with our four knees drawn up close together , and our two noses bending over them , as if our knee-pans were warming-pans .