
bāng xiōng
  • be an accomplice;assist in a crime or evil;accomplice;accessory
帮凶 [bāng xiōng]
  • [accomplice] 帮助他人行凶或作恶。也指帮凶的人

帮凶[bāng xiōng]
  1. 他糊里糊涂地成了犯罪的帮凶。

    He became an unwitting accomplice in the crime .

  2. 玩家可在Pevensies和她的盟友,以及白巫和她的帮凶间选择其一。

    Players can Pevensies and her allies , as well as the White Witch and her accomplice between choosing one .

  3. 一些政府成为了银行活动的受害者,而且可能在不知不觉中做了其帮凶。

    Some governments have been victims and perhaps unknowing accomplices in the bank 's activities .

  4. 在CSRF攻击中,您的用户可以轻易地成为预料不到的帮凶。

    In a CSRF attack , your users can easily become unsuspecting accomplices .

  5. 但他们认为你可能还有一个帮凶。

    But they think maybe you 're working with an accomplice .

  6. 你居然让这个孩子成了你的帮凶

    you 've made this kid into an accessory to your crime

  7. 他是该罪中他朋友的帮凶。

    He is an accomplice with his friend in the crime .

  8. 你害他被处死,我成了帮凶。

    You 're letting him hang , and I heiped you .

  9. 这意味着你是一起谋杀未遂的帮凶。

    Which means you 're an accomplice to attempted murder .

  10. 她被捕了,但她的帮凶逃走了。

    She was arrested , but her accomplice got away .

  11. 我不会成为你破产的帮凶!

    I refuse to help you toward your financial ruin !

  12. 除了是受害者,她还是帮凶。

    She is an accomplice as well as a victim .

  13. 还是五年前谋杀的帮凶。

    But you were an accomplice for the ones five years ago .

  14. 你怎么就那么肯定他是个帮凶?

    How could you be so sure that he is an accomplice .

  15. 周日传出的信息暗示可能存在帮凶。

    On Sunday , information emerged hinting at possible accomplices .

  16. 这就象给死神帮凶。

    This was like lending a hand to Death .

  17. 她是她丈夫谋杀一个老富翁的帮凶。

    She was her husband 's accomplice in murdering a rich old man .

  18. 不良的性格就是癌细胞的帮凶。

    Bad character is the accomplice of cancer cells .

  19. 老虎捕杀猎物时,帮凶走狗也获利。

    When the tiger kills , the Jackal profits .

  20. 他是这谋杀案的帮凶。

    He is an accessary to the murder .

  21. 我们就可能做了他们被杀的帮凶。

    We might have got these people killed .

  22. 我们知道你只不过是个帮凶。

    We know you were just an accomplice .

  23. 我跑来告诉你这个案子里有帮凶。

    I came to talk to you about a second shooter in that case .

  24. 还不想,杰克认为阿比盖尔是她父亲那案子的帮凶。

    Eventually . Jack thinks Abigail was an accomplice to her father 's crimes .

  25. 阿瑟·伊登斯:我是一个帮凶!

    Arthur Edens : I 'm an accomplice !

  26. 不,他是欧拉夫伯爵,那个博士是他的帮凶。

    No , he 's count olaf , and that doctor is his accomplice .

  27. 如果你是在暗示他在外面还有帮凶

    If you 're implying that he 's got helpful friends on the outside ,

  28. 当一件犯罪行为在寻找助力,他们便转租帮凶。

    When a crime was in quest of arms , they under-let their accomplices .

  29. 你为何要做她的帮凶信使不可杀哦

    Why are you doing her dirty work ? Don 't kill the messenger .

  30. 下沉的空气是撒哈拉(在非洲)等沙漠形成的帮凶。

    Sinking air helps to form deserts , such as the Sahara Desert in Africa .