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bāng shou
  • helper;assistant;offsider
帮手 [bāng shǒu]
  • (1) [assistant]∶作为下级或副职人员而行动的人;助手

  • (2) [helper]∶(以体力劳动)协助他人工作的人

帮手[bāng shou]
  1. 在明尼苏达州长大的比特纳先生说,“热菜和汉堡帮手(HamburgerHelper)的料理包——最常见的中西部垃圾食物”,他从小吃到大。

    Raised in Minnesota , Mr. Buettner ( pronounced BYOOT-ner ) grew up eating " hotdish and Hamburger Helper - the usual Midwest crap , " he said .

  2. 掌声献给我可爱的帮手

    And let 's have a hand for my lovely helper .

  3. 时间是你最有价值的帮手,尤其是在考试中。

    Time is your most valuable resource , especially in examinations .

  4. 在这些事情上你一直是个难得的好帮手。

    You 're always an incredible help on these cases .

  5. 查理?噢,他是个不可多得的好帮手,非常喜欢孩子。

    Charlie ? Oh , he 's a treasure , loves children .

  6. 这种电池充电器是摄影工作者的好帮手。

    This battery booster is a boon for photographers .

  7. 我读到你让一些12岁的孩子在宣传活动中做帮手。

    I 've read that you 've enlisted some 12-year-olds to help out in your campaign

  8. 随着计划在脑海里逐渐成形,她意识到需要找一个帮手。

    As plans took form in her mind , she realized the need for an accomplice

  9. 我们需要各方面的帮手:工程师、科学家(例如地质学家)和教师。

    We need helpers of all types , engineers , scientists ( e.g. geologists ) and teachers

  10. 你认为你需要帮手吗?

    Do you think you can do with a helping hand ?

  11. 这女孩是她妈妈的好帮手。

    The girl is a good help to her mother .

  12. 这最终就好像将保姆和护士合二为一了——又或者如果所需的情绪智力超过了马斯克先生设想中的机器人,那至少我们也会拥有会切胡萝卜、洗车或修剪草坪的帮手。

    It could eventually , be like having a babysitter and a nurse rolled into one -- or , if that required emotional intelligence beyond the power of Mr. Musk 's imagined machine , at least someone to chop the carrots , wash the car and mow the lawn .

  13. 他们也是小学生放学后的好帮手。

    They are also great helpers for primary school students after school .

  14. 布朗先生离开镇上时如释重负,因为他知道他的油漆店有个好帮手。

    Mr Brown was relieved when he left town , because he knew his paint shop was in good hands .

  15. 作为青少年,如果我们好好利用电子产品,他们可以给我们的生活增添更多乐趣,成为我们学习的好帮手。

    As teenagers , if we put the e-products into good use , they can add more fun to our life and become good helpers to our study .

  16. Lastminutehelper指所有事情都完成以后才出现,或者别人把所有事情都做完后才提出帮忙的人,我们称为“事后帮手”。

    Last minute helper is that person who shows up AFTER everything else is done and offers to do something AFTER everything is already finished . For example :

  17. 一位农场主非常吝啬,不想让他雇佣的帮手停下来休息。

    A penny-pinching farmer didn 't want his hired hand to stop working .

  18. 对于那些想拥有时尚的外表但又没有时间来追赶潮流的忙碌女性而言,衣橱诊断师是一个好帮手。

    For a busy woman who wants to look modern and fashionable but just doesn ’ t have to time to keep up with the trends , a wardrobe therapist is a great way to go .

  19. 用Mac电脑来设置远程控制功能“技术小帮手”要麻烦一些。

    And the remote-control Tech Buddy feature is harder to set up on a Mac .

  20. 要得到更详细的信息请查阅maninittab,并且请记住,UML是您的好帮手。

    View man inittab for further details , and remember , UML is your friend .

  21. 控制器是一些类似CPU的处理器,它们可以看做CPU的智能帮手。

    The controllers are processors like the CPU itself , they can be viewed as intelligent helpers to the CPU .

  22. 从grouponinternational引入的四名董事总经理是他的帮手。

    But he runs the joint venture as acting chief executive , backed by four managing directors brought in from Groupon international .

  23. CPANPersistent类是您搜索数据持久性解决方案时的有力帮手。

    The CPAN Persistent classes are powerful allies in your search for data persistence solutions .

  24. 随着笔记本电脑、智能手机、PDA等移动设备的普及,人们越来越依赖于这些可以随身携带又功能强大的向导和帮手。

    With the popularity of notebooks , smart phones , PDAs and other mobile devices , people increasingly rely on these portable yet powerful guides or helpers .

  25. 《王特绿色MIS》会成为管理人员的好帮手,用其设计归档资料管理系统等管理工作所需要的计算机管理信息系统,可以使日常管理工作更加规范、方便、快捷、轻松。

    The MIS can be used to design computer management information system for filed information management system , etc , it provides management staff with a standard , convenient , quick helper .

  26. 我需要你明白的是这份MVP候选名单中的其他几乎所有候选人都拥有了更多的帮手。

    And I need you to look at the rest of this list and see that almost every other MVP candidate has more help .

  27. 小沃顿,是著名中锋(名人堂)比尔沃顿的儿子,从小就是凯尔特人的忠实粉丝。出色的传球天赋,和篮球IQ使小沃顿成了一个任劳任怨的场上帮手。

    LukeWalton , the son of Hall of Famer Bill , grew up a green and whitebleeding Celtics fan whose keen passing abilities and unrivaledbasketball IQ make him an invaluable contributer .

  28. 幸运的是,詹姆斯在骑士队遇到了很多帮手:迈克•米勒、詹姆斯•琼斯、布兰登•海伍德以及肖恩•马里昂,他们都曾捧起NBA总冠军的奖杯。

    Luckily , James is surrounded by helping hands in Cleveland . For one thing , Mike Miller , James Jones , Brendan Haywood and Shawn Marion have all hoisted the trophy before .

  29. 格林已经成为勇士队能够连续五年进入NBA总决赛的重要帮手之一,勇士队于2012年第二轮第35顺位选中格林,后来他通过不懈努力让自己成为全明星球员并帮助球队成为王朝球队。

    Green has been one of the vital cogs of the Warriors " run to five straight NBA Finals , with the 35th pick in the 2012 draft elevating himself into an All-Star and helping the franchise become a modern dynasty .

  30. 除了字母哥被拍到和球队助教对骂以外,雄鹿目前的还存在的问题是,他们为这个MVP候选人配备的帮手还不够优秀。

    Aside from the fact that Giannis Antetokounmpo got caught on camera exchanging some angry words with an assistant coach , the reality for the Bucks is that the supporting cast around the early MVP candidate just hasn 't been good enough .