
bāng huì
  • secret society;underworld gang
帮会 [bāng huì]
  • [secret society] 总称民间的各种秘密组织

帮会[bāng huì]
  1. 外面没有秘密帮会

    There is no secret society out there

  2. 帮会文化是一种游离于中国传统大文化和小文化之外的特殊形态的亚文化;

    The culture of secret society , which is a subcategory of social culture , is actually a subculture underlining the Chinese traditional culture , big and minor culture .

  3. 嘿,休!你帮会儿忙行不行?

    Oh , Sue ! Could you help me a moment ?

  4. 如今的披露街(Pell)只是两个安静的街区,但唐人街当年就是在宰也街(Doyers)尽头与披露街交界的地方诞生的,到现在,旅游指南仍然会说起帮会和麻将。

    Pell Street these days is two quiet blocks , no more , but Chinatown was born here , where Doyers Street dead-ends into Pell , where tour guides still talk of tongs and mah-jongg .

  5. 青年帮会声称为自己所有的地区。

    The territory claimed by a juvenile gang as its own .

  6. 我不会说我不是7帮会成员

    I 'm not going to say I 'm not a Seven

  7. 我不想我们家族再次成为帮会。

    I don 't want our family to be gangsters again .

  8. 你知道有哪个帮会有魔术师的?

    How many other gangs you know have a damn magician ?

  9. 帮会和帮派罪行从根本上说是青少年问题。

    Gang membership and gang-related crime is primarily a juvenile problem .

  10. 我不会说我是7帮会成员

    I 'm not going to say that I 'm a Seven

  11. 把那些黑西装脱掉我们不再是帮会了。

    Take off those suits first . we 're not gangsters anymore .

  12. 帮会的敌人,你死了。

    The enemy of our gang . you 're dead .

  13. 当然最神秘的要数7帮会

    But of course the most secretive of all is the Seven Society

  14. 剩下的五个人建立了“龙之子”帮会。

    These five founded the society of the sons of the dragons .

  15. 帮会分子盘踞的窝点像个大金矿。

    That universal safe house was a gold mine .

  16. 在洛杉矶,帮会谋杀的对象中95%为男性。

    In Los Angeles males account for 95 % of gang murder victims .

  17. 我可不想让帮会来找麻烦

    Wouldn 't want any blowback from the triads .

  18. 一个帮会的双重间谍想尽办法

    A triad double agent had worked his way

  19. 帮会二号人物给我透露这消息?

    Number two informed me against his gang ?

  20. 要成为合格的7帮会成员

    that the way you qualify for the Sevens

  21. 盾帮会我想你们有人想到了盾牌

    I think some of you remember some shields

  22. 帮会为了把杀手送来英国

    The Tong sent an assassin to England ...

  23. 他们是那个帮会的主导。

    Theywere in the house of Representatives mostly .

  24. 一名7帮会成员死的时候

    When a member of the Seven dies

  25. 这个孩子明显是个帮会追随者。

    This kid 's definitely a wannabe .

  26. 还是你们的秘密帮会

    got to be your secret societies

  27. 另外,在帮会谋杀中,年轻人和少数种族人群所占比重极高。

    A significant proportion of gang killings are also of ethnic minorities , and of young ;

  28. 上海工人阶级在它成为自为的阶级之前,与帮会有着千丝万缕的联系,受着帮会的政治影响。

    Working class of Shanghai was closely related to these gangs and was politically influenced by them .

  29. 论党在早期工人运动中解决帮会问题的策略

    The Chinese Communist Party 's Solutions to the Problem of Gang Groups during The Early Labor Movements

  30. 帮会文化与有组织犯罪

    Confraternity Culture and Organized Crime