
  • 网络The Help
帮佣 [bāng yōng]
  • (1) [serve]∶替人做佣工

  • (2) [hired man]∶做佣工的人

  1. 在香港做家庭帮佣工作的安巴(MyleneAmba)计划于周二飞回菲律宾,寻找她在塔克洛班的家人。

    Mylene Amba , who works as a domestic helper in Hong Kong , plans to fly back to the Philippines on Tuesday to find her family in Tacloban .

  2. 星期六我终于找到一个帮佣!这一周终告完美。

    I found a maid on Saturday ! My week is now complete .

  3. 我诅咒、我咒骂、我咆哮&因为我们家的帮佣也学会了拼布!

    I cursed , I raved , I ranted-The MAID has learned to Quilt !

  4. 这家的帮佣是个勤快的中年妇女。

    The family has hired a very hard-working middle-aged woman as a domestic servant .

  5. 因为父亲早逝,孩童时代就随母为人帮佣。

    Her father 's early death caused her staying with her mother as service maid since her childhood .

  6. 大多数帮佣是学生或是毕业生,所以赶紧开始干吧。

    Most au pairs are students or recent graduates , so get in before it 's too late .

  7. 监护工/家庭帮佣应严格遵守并配合雇主工作相关规定。

    The Domestic Helper / Caretaker shall strictly observe and comply with the EMPLOYER 's work rules and relevant regulations .

  8. 而最畅销的商品之一就是带有游泳池、多个车库和西式帮佣的豪华别墅。

    One of the best sellers at these shops are enormous villas complete with swimming pools , multiple car garages and Western domestic helpers .

  9. 雇主同意监护工/家庭帮佣和泰国贸易经济办事处至少每月联络一次。

    The EMPLOYER allows the Domestic Helper / Caretaker to contact with the Thailand Trade and Economic Office , Labour Affairs Division at least once in each calender month .

  10. 民初上海地区商业发达,出外帮佣或入厂做工成为当地女子谋生的一条门路,其中亦不乏为生计奔波的寡妇。

    The Shanghai area commercial development , to help or into the factory into a local woman living a path , which are also working for a living widow .

  11. 我祖父从中国移民到美国,最初在华盛顿州首府的一个家庭帮佣,换取学习英文的机会。

    My grandfather immigrated to America from China , initially working as a servant for a family in the capital city of Washington State , in exchange for English lessons .

  12. 那时许多穷人,叫孩子去有钱人家帮佣,住在主人家里。

    During this time many of the England 's poor worked as servants for the wealthy . As most jobs were located far from their homes , the servants would live at the houses of their employers .