
  1. 帮教小组不仅做失足青年的思想转化工作,还努力帮助刑满释放入员解决就业和婚姻问题。

    These groups not only help young wrong-doers to remould their thinking , but also try to find jobs and spouses for them on their release .

  2. 有工作单位的,由厂矿企业组织工会、青年团或车间,成立帮教小组具体落实;

    For those who have a work unit , the factory or enterprise contacts the trade union , the youth league or workshop to set up an assistance group to help them .

  3. 近几年,参与这一活动的妇女越来越多,全国以妇女为主的帮教小组就有几万个。

    In the last few years , more and more women have been participating in this type of activity . There are many thousands of " assistance and education teams " across the country , mainly composed of women .