
yán zhònɡ bù liánɡ xínɡ wéi
  • gross misconduct
  1. 工读学校是矫治未成年人严重不良行为的特殊教育部门。

    The study-plus-work school is a special education department which rescues minor 's serious bad behavior .

  2. 未成年人严重不良行为的矫治&以未成年人非刑事处分措施的完善为视角

    Rectification and Treatment of Serious Juvenile Misbehaviors & From the Perspective of Non-criminal Procedure 's Improvement

  3. 相应地少年非刑罚处遇制度的适用范围,既包括少年触犯刑法的行为,也包括少年的严重不良行为。

    Correspondingly , the applicable scope of the youth non-penalty system shall include the behaviors of offending the criminal law and serious misdeeds .

  4. 这个青年完全有可能成为十足的浪子。未成年人严重不良行为的矫治&以未成年人非刑事处分措施的完善为视角

    This young man had all the inclination to be a profligate of the first water . Rectification and Treatment of Serious Juvenile Misbehaviors & From the Perspective of Non-criminal Procedure 's Improvement

  5. 自改革开放以来,我国实施严重不良行为、违法行为或犯罪行为的少年数量呈直线上升的趋势,并且伴随着出现了犯罪手段残酷性、犯罪低龄化和重新犯罪率高等新的特点。

    Since the reform and opening up , China commit a serious misconduct , violations or juvenile crime trends in the number skyrocketed , and along with the emergence of criminal means cruelty , crime , high crime rate in younger age and re-new features .

  6. 因此,笔者建议划定少年刑事政策圈,完善或设计适合于严重不良行为少年需要的处置措施,将其纳入刑事法治的视野,并界定少年刑事法律调整的对象为严重不良行为和少年犯罪行为。

    Therefore , the author suggests delimiting the juvenile criminal policy circle , perfecting or designing suitable disposal measures for serious misconduct juvenile . The author also advises we to bring it into the criminal rule , and the object of juvenile criminal law is serious misconduct and juvenile delinquency .

  7. 国家旅游局发布的这项规定明确,旅游从业人员存在侮辱、殴打、胁迫游客等造成严重社会不良影响的行为,将被纳入“旅游不文明行为记录”。

    Tourism service providers who insult , assault or threaten their clients or perform other behaviors which lead to serious adverse social influences will be placed on record for inappropriate tourism behavior , according to the regulation released by the China National Tourism Administration .