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yán jùn
  • severe;grim;stern;rigorous;strict
严峻 [yán jùn]
  • [strict;stern;severe;rigorous] 严厉,严格或苛刻

  • 严峻的考验

严峻[yán jùn]
  1. 区域贸易安排的日益发展,对WTO多边贸易体制既有不可磨灭的贡献,同时也带来严峻挑战。

    RTAs ' rapid development makes indelible contributions and also brings stern challenges .

  2. 中国加入WTO,为我国高等教育事业的发展既创造了一个历史性的机遇,又带来了严峻的考验与挑战。

    China entering WTO has created a historic opportunity for higher education . Simultaneously , it brought a stern test and challenge .

  3. 事态发展到过于严峻时,大多数记者便撤离了这个地区。

    When things got too hot most journalists left the area .

  4. 马拉松赛跑是对耐力的严峻考验。

    The marathon is a severe test of stamina .

  5. 政府已告诫说,以后的局势将很严峻。

    The government has warned of stormy waters ahead .

  6. 在紧急情况下能否保持冷静是对一个好司机的严峻考验。

    The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency .

  7. 烟草业成功逃过了最严峻的法律质疑。

    The tobacco industry escaped unscathed from its toughest legal challenge .

  8. 英国公司如果想要保持竞争力就不得不面对严峻的选择。

    UK companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive

  9. 她对他的爱经受着极其严峻的考验。

    Her love for him was being tested to its limits

  10. 战争的到来使形势更为严峻。

    The advent of war led to a greater austerity .

  11. 我有限的外交手腕儿受到了极其严峻的考验。

    My limited diplomatic skills were tested to the utmost

  12. 由于资源的减少,大学正面临严峻的问题。

    Universities are facing grave problems because of diminishing resources

  13. 今天的形势远比25年前严峻。

    The situation today is immeasurably more acute than it was 25 years ago .

  14. 他们描绘了犯罪率上升的严峻情形。

    They painted a grim picture of growing crime

  15. 政府仍然面临着非常严峻的困难。

    The government still face very serious difficulties

  16. 她面临严峻的资金问题。

    She was confronted with severe money problems

  17. 其后,他将注意力转向了该省形势严峻的住房问题。

    Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the province .

  18. 克罗斯比说:“进第二个球之后,我们面临着严峻的挑战。”

    ' We had a mountain to climb after the second goal went in , ' said Crosby .

  19. 市场形势严峻,将导致今年上半年400个职位的削减。

    The tough market would lead to 400 jobs being cut in the first half of this year .

  20. 这是马克第一次承担皇室的工作,但他经受住了严峻的考验。

    It was Mark 's first introduction to royal duties and he came through his baptism of fire unscathed .

  21. 我认为亚美尼亚局势非常严峻的消息一旦披露,全世界都将作出反应。

    Once the news gets out that Armenia is in a very critical situation , I think the world will respond .

  22. 在一场日益严峻的危机面前,本应和睦共处、通力合作的这两个男人却势同水火。

    There was no love lost between the two men who were supposed to be working in harmony on a mounting crisis .

  23. 这些岛屿是对开发和发展的严峻考验。

    These islands were a crucible of exploration and development .

  24. 局势十分严峻。

    The situation is pregnant with grim possibilities .

  25. 但美国政府最好在对这些严峻的数字作出反应之前深呼吸一下。

    But Washington would do well to take a deep breath before reacting to the grim numbers .

  26. 在经济衰退的严峻时期,尽管一些人降级消费转向快餐,但许多人为了省钱而更频繁地在家里吃饭。

    In a severe recession , while some people trade down to fast food , many others eat at home more frequently to save money .

  27. 考虑到从法国骑自行车到波兰所需的高运动强度,挑战就更为严峻了。

    The challenge is all the more serious when you consider the demanding exercise required to bike from France to Poland .

  28. 这位年轻人面临严峻的抉择。

    The young man is faced with a stark choice .

  29. 以色列将面临严峻的考验,在领土和能源方面做出让步。

    Israel will face harsh new trials entailing territorial and functional concessions .

  30. 具体形势更加严峻。

    On the ground the mood is bleaker .