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yán hán
  • severe cold;bitter cold;inclement weather;rigour;killing freeze;vigorous of winter
严寒 [yán hán]
  • [inclement weather;vigours of winter;bitter cold] 极度寒冷

  • 严寒的北方

  • 严寒天气

严寒[yán hán]
  1. 在严寒里你的手指会冻在金属拉柄上,务必要戴上手套。

    In severe cold , your fingers can freeze onto metal handles , so be sure to cover your hands .

  2. 从Wyodak电厂看严寒缺水地区发展直接空冷的可行性

    Viewing the feasibility of developing direct air-cooling generating unit in severe cold and water-deficient area from Wyodak Power Plant

  3. 农民至今还在谈论1999年的大严寒。

    Farmers still talk about the big freeze of ' 99 .

  4. 在这里,严寒的冬天并不多见。

    Cold winters here are the exception rather than the rule .

  5. 严寒可以使身体新陈代谢的速度下降。

    The body 's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold .

  6. 他们冒着严寒出去铲雪。

    They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow .

  7. 电视画面显示了严寒的环境。

    TV pictures showed the arctic conditions .

  8. 如果碰上下雨天或是严寒天气,就选择一项室内活动。

    If the weather is wet or cold choose an indoor activity

  9. 周四,南极气流给智利南部带来了刺骨的严寒。

    Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday .

  10. 他们仍然被困着,天气严寒,情况迅速恶化。

    They remain stranded in freezing weather and rapidly worsening conditions .

  11. 我匆忙地说了声再会便冒着严寒走回了家。

    I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold

  12. 春天严寒的天气降低了母鸡的产蛋能力。

    Freezing weather in spring hampered the hens ' ability to lay .

  13. 除了最严寒的冬季,这种植物都能在户外生长。

    The plant will stand all but the worst winters out of doors .

  14. 塔玛拉会不畏严寒在夜晚外出。

    Tamara would sally out on bitterly cold nights .

  15. 科学家利用遗传工程保护番茄免受严寒天气的影响。

    Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing .

  16. 严寒冻得我的手指都没有知觉了。

    The cold numbed my fingers

  17. 有一半水果作物在秋天突如其来的严寒中冻死了。

    Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn .

  18. 他在去年冬天严寒期内滑倒,摔断了腿。

    He slipped and broke his leg during the big freeze .

  19. 严寒使孩子们几乎难以忍受。

    The cold was more than the children could bear .

  20. 这是一个严寒的冬天。

    This has been a hard winter .

  21. 严寒穿透他的衣服。

    The deep cold pierced his clothes .

  22. 有重茧暖身,便不惧严寒。

    With thick clothes to keep warm , there was no need to be afraid of cold .

  23. 那位诗人发疯了,在刺骨的严寒中光着身子在家的四周漫无目的地走着。

    The poet went off his nut and started wandering around his house with no clothes on in bitter cold .

  24. 他做的第一件事就是找到躲避严寒和风雪的地方。

    The first thing he did was to find shelter form the freezing wind and snow .

  25. 当他把药递给下一个车夫时,香农的脸都被这极度严寒给冻黑了。

    When he handed the medicine to the next musher , Shannon 's face was black from the extreme cold .

  26. 你很可能会花上一天的时间、找地方躲避严寒。

    You 'd most likely spend the day trying to find something to eat and somewhere to shelter from the freezing cold .

  27. 一旦我们把一个无家可归的人从严寒中救出来,我们就需要你帮忙在圣芒戈酒店热烈欢迎他。

    Once we bring a homeless person out of the freezing cold , we need your help to give him a warm welcome at St Mungo 's very much .

  28. 严寒使我的手指有刺痛感。

    The cold caused a tingle in my fingers .

  29. 在一个严寒刺骨的冬日,大雪纷飞如同天上落下的眼泪,她终于去世了。

    She died on a cold , Winter 's day with heavy snow falling down like teardrops from sky .

  30. 宋国的一个农民,因家境贫寒,生活极为清苦,全靠一件烂麻衣抵御冬天的严寒。

    A peasant in the state of Song led an extremely hard life for he was destitute1 , depending on worn sackcloth to defense2 the chill of winter .