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gǎn kuài
  • quickly;hurry up;at once;haste;hasten;come along;shift;lose no time;proceed apace
赶快 [gǎn kuài]
  • (1) [lose no time;proceed apace;hasten]∶抓紧时间,加快速度

  • 还有5分钟,赶快跑吧

  • (2) [haste]∶迅速移动或动作

  • 她想赶快分散最后几束传单。--高尔基《母亲》

赶快[gǎn kuài]
  1. 这件事要赶快办,不能迟缓。

    This must be done at once without delay .

  2. 赶快打发人去请大夫。

    Send for a doctor at once .

  3. 我们最好赶快,不然要受罚的。

    We 'd better hurry or we 'll be in for it .

  4. “赶快,跳!”他大声叫道。

    ' Quick , jump ! ' he shouted .

  5. 赶快,你这懒骨头,起床了!

    Come on , lazybones , get up !

  6. 看着一张张脸上那责备的神情,她突然想赶快溜走。

    Looking at all the accusing faces , she felt a sudden urge to run away .

  7. 如果你告诉一个人steponit(“加速;加快”,字面意义“踩在上面”)或者throwonyourcoat(“赶快穿上外套”,字面意义“扔在你的外套上”),他们可能会按字面理解你的话,那就会引起灾难性的后果。

    If you tell a person to ' step on it ' or ' throw on your coat , ' they may take you literally , with disastrous consequences .

  8. 我在心里祈求他们赶快露面。

    I 'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon .

  9. 最好是赶快把事情弄完。

    It was best to get things done quickly .

  10. 明天晚上见,我得赶快走了。

    See you tomorrow night . Must dash now .

  11. 我必须赶快走了否则就会误机。

    I must fly or I 'll miss my plane

  12. 比斯利告诉我他看到你了,所以我就赶快直接回家了。

    Beasley told me he 'd seen you , so I nipped straight home .

  13. 如果他们还不赶快行动的话,约翰逊几天之内就会搞定这笔交易。

    If they didn 't move fast , Johnson could sew this deal up within days

  14. 他很恼火。趁他还没有发作,我们赶快离他远点儿。

    He 's pissed . Let 's get out of his way before he starts spewing .

  15. 赶快把绑住我的手的绳子解开。

    Just untie my hands .

  16. 史密斯先生想赶快收回这项声明,但它刚刚已经在国家电台播出了。

    Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement , but it had just been broadcast on national radio

  17. 富兰克林告诉豪赶快去洗澡;否则他们会赶不上火车。

    Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath ; otherwise , they 'd miss their train

  18. 去看望斯蒂克特让他打不成高尔夫球,他希望他们能赶快看完走人。

    Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game , and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly .

  19. 但愿天气赶快放晴。

    If only it would clear up soon !

  20. 壶要烧干了,赶快续水。

    The kettle ( on the fire ) is nearly dry . Put some more water in it , quick .

  21. 我们最好在下雨之前赶快做。

    We 'd better get a move on before it rains .

  22. 赶快把大家弄醒,这房子里全是烟。

    Alarm everyone quickly , the house is full of smoke .

  23. 雨下得很大,我们必须赶快找个避雨的地方。

    It 's raining hard ; we must get under cover quickly .

  24. 市长赶快走到办公室,拒不接见记者。

    The mayor hurried into his office , brushing off the reporters .

  25. 我没空,你赶快走开!

    I 'm busy ; clear off as fast as you can !

  26. 我轻蔑地瞪了他一眼,他赶快掉开头。

    I stared at him contemptuously and he looked away .

  27. 赶快做作业,别瞎闹。

    Stop fooling around and get on with your homework !

  28. 赶快!你知道我们时间不多!

    Hurry up ! we haven 't got all day , you know !

  29. 她打发孩子们赶快去上学。

    She hustled the children off to school .

  30. 赶快回来好吗?我们正等着结果呢。

    Hurry back , won 't you ? we 're waiting for the result .