
  • 网络catch-up strategy;catching-up strategy
  1. 东亚后发地区企业技术赶超战略与中国的角色

    Corporate Technological Catch-Up Strategy for Late-Developing Region in Eastern Asia and China 's Role

  2. 执行赶超战略与发展中国家贸易结构转型

    Catch-up Strategy and the Implementation of the Structural Transformation of Developing Countries in Trade

  3. 论赶超战略的本质与中国实施赶超战略的经验教训

    The Essences of the Catching - up Strategy and the Experiences in China

  4. 20世纪50年代中国赶超战略再思考

    Rethinking of the China 's Overtaking Strategy in 1950s

  5. 赶超战略应该是明智的选择。

    An overtake strategy would be a wise choice .

  6. 内容提要“跨越式赶超战略”受到技术水平和人力资本的约束。

    The strategy of catching-up by leaping is decided by technology and personal capital .

  7. 试论比较优势战略和赶超战略

    About the Strategy of Comparative Advantage and That of Catching up with And Surpassing Others

  8. 论西部地区的赶超战略与教育公平问题的内在关联

    On the Inherent Correlation between the Surpassing Strategy the Western Region and the Problem of Educational Fairness

  9. 发展中国家在发展区域优势中采用赶超战略必须把握适当的机遇和依靠现实的条件。

    Developing countries must grasp chance and depend on actual conditions when they adopt Catch - up Strategy .

  10. 论教育赶超战略与西部民族地区发展

    On the Educational Strategy of Catching up and Its Development in the Ethnical Group Areas in Western China

  11. 这是西部赶超战略顺利实施的基础条件和重要保障。

    This is a basic condition and an important guarantee to implement smoothly the surpassing strategy the western region .

  12. 其成因在于长期的国家赶超战略和基于其上的多元社会整合机制。

    Its origin lies in the country 's long-term surpassing strategy and based on many yuan social conformity mechanism .

  13. 这一规划摒弃赶超战略,根据我国的实际情况,发展具有我国特色的科学技术体系。

    This plan rejected the " surpasses " strategy , developed Chinese-style science and technology system according to actual situation .

  14. 以优先发展重工业为中心环节的赶超战略的实施对这一加速具有决定性的影响。

    Implementation of the strategy with development of heavy industry as the priority is a decisive factor for this acceleration .

  15. 落后地区赶超战略的主流理论为东向发展战略的路径选择提供了理论依据。

    The leading theory about the backward area catching-up strategy is theoretically proved to the choice of the eastward development strategy .

  16. 除了人口基数大之外,赶超战略是我国总量性失业和结构性失业的最主要原因。

    The most important factor contributing to overall unemployment and structural unemployment , in addition to large population , is catching-up strategy .

  17. 这种城乡关系实际上是政府推行工业化赶超战略的结果。

    The kind of relationship between the departments is due to the government 's strategy to catch up with the developed countries .

  18. 按照比较优势的发展战略,发展中国家应当把产业技术升级当作工具,而以要素禀赋升级为最终目标。赶超战略的错误在于忽视了禀赋和技术选择之间这一联系。

    According to the comparative-advantage following strategy , developing countries should aim at increasing in facts endowments by upgrade in industries and technology .

  19. 我国严重的资源问题是自然资源无价或低价的价格政策和片面强调经济发展的赶超战略造成的。

    The serious resource problems are caused by the resource price policy and the " cathching up with surpassing strategy " of economic development .

  20. 足球也和经济一样,只要日本不陷入之前政府主导的经济赶超战略的陷阱,日本足球队的未来将充满希望。

    In soccer as in economics , as long as Japan doesn 't'fall into the old trap of government-led growth'then it will have a'hopeful future .

  21. 赶超战略是发展中国家高度动员有限的资源依靠工业化实现经济增长的战略。

    Strategy of accelerative development refers to the strategy that developing countries depend on industrialization to bring about economic growth by mobilizing highly limited resources .

  22. 我国旧的社会保障制度建立于实施重工业优先发展的赶超战略时期。

    The logic starting point of the establishment of the old Social Insurance System was the need to apply the Strategy of Priority Growth of Heavy Industry .

  23. 一国产业技术赶超战略取得成功后,不同的要素主导模式对于产业保持领先地位的稳定性和持久性有不同的影响。

    Different element dominating models have different effects on the stability and continuance of holding its leading position , after one countrys industrial technology catch-up strategy becomes succ .

  24. 第一代领导集体提出了赶超战略,第二代领导集体提出了三步走战略,第三代领导集体进一步深化了三步走战略。

    The first generation of leading group brought up surpassing strategy while the second generation gave birth to three stages of development which is further developed by the third generation of leading group .

  25. 该关系结构有助于国家按照赶超战略的政策意图汲取乡村资源,改造乡村社会,但也阻滞了乡村社会的自主发展,并最终导致人民公社的运转失灵。

    However , this relationship structure has also prevented the country society from developing itself , and resulted in the governance malfunction of the people 's communes at the same time in end .

  26. 我们一方面要对传统赶超战略的代价给予积极的补偿,另一方面必须扬弃赶超战略的代价并代之以现代化的追赶战略。

    On the one hand , we will give active compensation to the cost of traditional strategy of accelerative development . On the other hand , we must sublate it and adopt modern strategy .

  27. 在经济发展相对滞后的地区,东北部、中部、西部等各经济区域实现经济发展与赶超战略的关键在于根据自身要素分布的特点与经济发展的水平建立起相应的工业经济发展模式。

    In the area which the economics development is relatively slow , the key point is to build an appropriate industrial economics pattern according to their element distribution characteristics to fulfill the development of economics .

  28. 赶超战略是落后国家和地区以先进国家的发展成果为追赶目标,为摆脱国家在经济、政治、文化、国民素质等各方面的落后局面而采取的综合性的策略配置。

    Catching-up strategy is the comprehensive policy configuration which is taken by backward countries and regions to get rid of the countries ' backwardness in the economic , political , cultural , and other aspects .

  29. 积极发挥跨国制度创新是众多后进国家现代化赶超战略成功,保持经济迅速发展的主要原因,但这一点却很少被现代化赶超的研究者所注意。

    It has been the major cause of many latecomers to actively bring transnational institutional innovations into full play to succeed in executing " catching-up with and surpassing " strategy and maintain rapid economic developmental performance .

  30. 确定省内的优势产业集群和潜力集群集中各种政治和经济资源促进其升级对湖南省利用后发优势,实施赶超战略极其重要。

    So finding out the superior industrial cluster and potential cluster , concentrating the resource of the economy and politics is very important for Hunan province to use the later advantage to put forward the surpassing strategy .