
  1. 其次,我们需要一个清晰的竞争力和经济增长战略。

    Second , we need a clear-cut strategy for competitiveness and growth .

  2. 因此,湖北省必须选择适合自身发展的特色经济增长战略。

    Therefore , Hubei must choose their own developing way .

  3. 但作为一项经济增长战略,却存在一些问题。

    But it has problems as a growth strategy .

  4. 经济增长战略有效地解决了普遍贫困的现象,但其效力却涉及不到最贫困人群。

    Economic increase strategy and effectively solved the problem of massive poverty , but not the poorest group .

  5. 土耳其的计划投资要符合帝斯曼的新兴经济增长战略。

    This planned investment in its Turkish operations is in line with DSM 's growth strategy for emerging economies .

  6. 政府和国际金融组织已经开始制订全面的中期贫困减少计划和经济增长战略。

    The government and the international financial institutions have been engaged in a comprehensive medium-term poverty reduction and economic growth strategy .

  7. 佐利克将着重表明,世行集团已准备好向各国提供支持,帮助它们将竞争力问题作为一项主要内容纳入其经济增长战略。

    Zoellick will underline that the Bank Group stands ready to support countries that make competitiveness a pillar of their growth strategy .

  8. 战后,在西方发展模式示范效应下,许多发展中国家积极推行单一经济增长战略。

    After the World Two , influenced by the western development models , many developing countries have been actively carrying out the single-economy-increase strategy .

  9. 因此,建议政府在电力规制过程中,应制定“电力先行”的经济增长战略,以实现电力供应安全对经济发展保障作用的目标。

    It is therefore , suggested that the government regulation should be taking into account the " Power First " growth strategy to realize target of economic development .

  10. 因此,湖北省必须要选择行之有效的经济增长战略,来保持经济的持续增长并力争赶超国内发达省份。

    So , Hubei Province should choose an effective strategy for economic growth , to maintain sustained economic growth and strive to catch up with the developed provinces .

  11. 在经济增长战略方面,要切实促进经济增长方式的转变,发展重化工业也要坚持走新型工业化道路;

    In terms of economic growth , efforts should be made to stimulate alternative economic growth patterns , and to adopt new patterns of new industrial development in heavy chemical industry .

  12. 旅游业是亚太经合组织经济增长战略的重要组成部分,亚太经合组织域内已实施了众多旅游便利化倡议。

    Tourism is an important part of APEC economic growth strategies , and this is reflected in the many tourism facilitation and promotion initiatives that have been implemented within the APEC region .

  13. 欧元区在市况有所平复后达成的新协议,不但应当把危机期间形成的做法规范化,还应该为经济增长战略的出台奠定基础。

    A new agreement for the eurozone , negotiated in a calmer atmosphere , should not only codify the practices established during the emergency but also lay the groundwork for a growth strategy .

  14. 但这和我们与中国之间的贸易现状甚至毫不沾边,中国远未接纳传统的自由贸易理论,而是公开采取了一种新重商主义、以出口为导向的经济增长战略。

    But this is not even close to the reality of our trade with China , which far from embracing orthodox free trade has openly adopted a neo-mercantilist , export-led economic growth strategy .

  15. 他表示,假如亚洲,尤其是中国,认为只需等待西方复苏,而后他们就能够愉快地重拾依赖出口的经济增长战略,那就太天真了。

    If Asia , particularly China , thinks that it can simply wait for the west to recover before merrily recommencing its export-dependent growth strategy , it is kidding itself , he argues .

  16. 我们可以把上海的经济增长战略与洛杉矶、开罗、圣彼得堡进行对比,这可能会比对比中国、美国、埃及和俄罗斯更有启发。

    We may be able to gain more insights by comparing , for example , the growth strategies of Shanghai to Los Angeles , Cairo , and St. Petersburg , than comparing China with the United States , Egypt , and Russia .

  17. 因此,本文研究的政策含义在于,中国必须实现经济增长战略从让一部分从先富起来向先富带动后富和共同富裕转化,以使贫困人口分享较多的经济增长利益。

    Therefore , the policy meaning of this dissertation is that the strategy of economic growth in China must be shifted from let part since having first to it is first rich to have after driving in order that the poor can share more benefit brought about by economic growth .

  18. 这要求有可信的赤字削减和一套推动经济增长的战略。

    This requires both credible deficit cutting and a strategy for growth .

  19. 发展居民金融资产:通货稳定与经济增长的战略选择

    Development of Urban Residents ' Finances : Strategic Choice For Currency Stabilization And Economic Expansion

  20. 住宅产权私有化是实施新经济增长点战略的核心;

    The privatization of house property is the key to implementing the new economic growth point strategy .

  21. 作为21世纪新经济增长的战略支点,加快产业转型与结构的战略性调整,推动经济增长方式转变,成为国内各界广泛关注的焦点。

    It has become national focus as a strategy fulcrum of new increasing economy in twenty-first century .

  22. 优化投资结构:十一五河北省经济增长的战略选择

    Optimizing the Structure of Investment : Strategy Selection of Economic Growth of Hebei Province during Eleventh Five-year Plan

  23. 赶超战略是发展中国家高度动员有限的资源依靠工业化实现经济增长的战略。

    Strategy of accelerative development refers to the strategy that developing countries depend on industrialization to bring about economic growth by mobilizing highly limited resources .

  24. 在这些改革举措的支持下,印度还应该把从供需两方面平衡经济作为增长战略的一部分。

    Supported by these reforms , India should also rebalance its economy on both the supply and the demand side as part of its growth strategy .

  25. 在我国促进内需拉动经济增长的战略背景下,对扩大农村消费需求进行研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    As in China the strategy of fueling economic growth by spurring domestic demand , research into the expansion of rural consumer demand is undoubtedly of high theoretical and practical value .

  26. 产业集群是一种世界性的发展现象,越来越多的国家或地区把产业集聚作为产业发展、促进中小企业发展、拉动区域经济增长的战略方式。

    The Industrial clusters is a the phenomena of developed in cosmopolitan , it 's a development stratagem of the industry and economy in the more and more country in the world .

  27. 双语教学是世界教育国际化和信息化发展对教育提出的新要求,也是深化教育改革、促进新一轮经济增长的战略需要。

    Bilingual teaching is the new requirement in accordance with the current trend of education globalism and e-education . It is strategic needs to develop the innovation of education as well as promoting the coming economic increment .

  28. 因此,我们将与中国方面辛勤努力,建立伙伴合作关系,提倡使用更清洁的能源、提高能源效益和进行有益于两国的技术转让,并且促进其他既保护环境、同时又推动经济增长的战略。

    So we will work hard with the Chinese to create partnerships that promote cleaner energy sources , greater energy efficiency , technology transfers that can benefit both countries , and other strategies that simultaneously protect the environment and promote economic growth .

  29. 数字图书馆和信息资源建设是国家重要基础设施和当今经济增长的战略资源,成为评价一个国家信息基础水平的重要标志和世界各国文化科技竞争的焦点之一。

    Digital library and information resources construction are state important basic facilities and strategy resources of economic increase nowadays , becoming an important sign of appraising a state information basic level and one of the focuses of cultural scientific and technological competition in every countries of the world .

  30. 此举是中国在5G产业中取得领先地位并培育其经济增长新动力战略的一部分。

    The move is part of China 's strategy in getting ahead in the 5G industry , and nurturing new growth drivers for its economy .