
  • 网络Length of Economical Haul;Economical Haul;economic haul;Length of Economic Haul
  1. 运杂费分析中经济运距分界点的确定

    Determination of economic haul separation point in analysis of freight and miscellaneous charges

  2. 铁路工程材料经济运距分析

    Analysis of economic haul distance of railway engineering materials

  3. 本文还借助盈亏分析方法,实行预装对伐区和运材子系统的作业的影响进行了定量分析,得到在既定木材生产条件下实行预装临界经济运距L0的计算公式。

    The quantitative analysis was made on cutting area and wood transportation by breakeven point analysis . The calculation formula of rational distance L_0was obtained .

  4. 土地平整工程经济运距计算模型初步研究

    Model of economic transportation distance for land consolidation project

  5. 路基土石方经济运距新算方法及应用

    Deducing of new method application in economical transportation distance of road foundation soil and rock

  6. 对铁路参与市场竞争的因素&经济运距,作了简要分析。

    One of the factors , economic transport distance , on which railway depends to participate in the competition of transport markets is analyzed briefly .

  7. 本文对船运松根的可行性、汽车运输松根的最佳车型、最佳运输方式以及船汽运输松根的经济运距进行了研究。

    The paper deals with the possibility of shipping pine stumps , the best type and form of pine stump automobil transportation and the economic transportation distance .

  8. 本文结合土地资源紧张的现实,推导出了经济运距的修正公式,并应用于汉孝高速公路土石方调配,得到了比较好的结果。

    For this article , considering shortage of land resource , deduces a modified formula about economical transportation distance , and apply for dispenses of Han-Xiao High way , so a good conclusion is available .

  9. 从分析土地平整工程土方挖填特点入手,应用运输模型的基本原理,建立了土地平整工程经济运距计算模型,并把模型应用于北京市大兴区礼贤镇土地整理试点项目。

    The paper analyzes the feature of excavation and fill of land consolidation project and develops the model of economic transportation distance applying the principle of transportation modeling . The paper takes Lixian Land Consolidation Experimental Project of Daxing District in Beijing as a case to test the model .

  10. 本文提出了衡量综合运输体系的三个效率标准,即货运弹性与货运强度标准、经济里程与平均运距标准和优势资源利用率标准;

    This paper puts forward three efficiency standards of the coordinated transportation system , namely the standard of freight transport and intensity , the standard of economic mileage and average transport distance , and the standard of utilization rate of dominant resources .

  11. 通过分析西气东输管道最低经济输量或经济运距与运价的关系,提出降低运价的两种方法。

    By analyzing the relation between minimum economic throughput rate or economic transportation distance with transportation price for the Western Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines , two methods to decrease transportation price have been put forward .