
  • 网络Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway;Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway
  1. 我国正在建设的时速350km/h以上的客运专线及京沪高速铁路已确定采用CTCS-3级列车运行控制系统作为统一技术平台。

    Dedicated passage line and the Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway , which are building in China with the speed of 350km / h or more , has been determined using CTCS-3 Train Control System as a unified technology platform .

  2. 京沪高速铁路阳澄湖特大桥在DK1226~DK1263区间通过了阳澄湖水源保护区,桥梁的加设对湖区COD浓度场可能产生一定的影响。

    The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Bridge steps over in DK1226 ~ DK1263 range of water source protection areas by the Yangcheng Lake , which may has some effect on lake of the original field of COD concentration .

  3. 用BP人工神经网络,对京沪高速铁路某段实测GPS大地高程数据进行了转换计算,得到了比较高的转换精度,结果也是稳定的。

    In this paper some GPS geodetic heights of Jing - Hu High - speed Railway are transformed to normal height by means of the BP Artificial Nerve Network , the result of which is both precise and steady .

  4. 本论文以京沪高速铁路32m混凝土箱梁蒸汽养护项目为研究对象。

    The research focuses on the 32m concrete box girder for express railway from Beijing to Shanghai .

  5. 京沪高速铁路双线箱梁800t级架桥机方案研究

    Project study of 800t bridge erecting machine with box beam for Beijing-Shanghai high speed dual line railway

  6. 以京沪高速铁路某列车检修库为例,利用CFD技术,对检修库联合供暖设计方案中列车底部热风系统的实施效果进行了模拟。

    Takes the train service shop of high speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai as an example , adopts CFD methods to simulate the effects of hot air system which is a part of combined heating system and located under the train .

  7. 为了满足无砟轨道高速铁路非常严格的工后沉降要求,在京沪高速铁路建设中,CFG桩复合地基成为最主要的地基处理方式,并发展成为桩-筏复合地基的形式。

    To meet the extreme strict limits of post-construction settlement in Ballastless Track for High-Speed Railway , during the construction of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway , CFG pile composite foundation had become the most important foundation approach , and developed into the pile - raft composite foundation .

  8. 高速铁路是指列车运行速度200km/h以上的铁路,我国对既有铁路进行提速改造的同时,拟修建京沪高速铁路,全长1307km,时速250km。

    The train operating speed in high speed railway is usually over 200 km / h. While raising speed on existing railways in China , the Jing Hu High Speed Railway will be constructed with running speed of 250km / h and having a total length of 1307m .

  9. 京沪高速铁路共有七处跨越阳澄湖,分段合计线路总长5900m,共有181个桥墩位于阳澄湖水中。

    There is total of seven across the Yangcheng Lake by Beij ing-Shanghai high speed railway , the length of total line segment is 5900m , there are 181 piers in the Yangcheng Lake water .

  10. 2002年试验最高时速321.8km/h的秦沈客运专线的竣工为正在准备修建的运行时速300km/h以上的的京沪高速铁路打下了良好的基础。

    As a start of Chinese HSR construction , the Qinhuangdao-Shenyang high-speed railway special for passenger transport has been constructed with the highest test-speed 321.8km/h . It is a good foundation to construct Beijing-Shanghai HSR with run-speed over 300km / h.

  11. 京沪高速铁路环境振动建议限值

    The Limit Value of Environmental Vibration for the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway

  12. 京沪高速铁路与上海城市发展的关系

    On Relation between Jing-Hu Rapid Transit Railway and Shanghai City Development

  13. 修建京沪高速铁路是正确的战略抉择

    Beijing & Shanghai High Speed Railway : A Correct Strategy Choice

  14. 京沪高速铁路的运量和效益

    Traffic Volume and Benefits of the Beijing - Shanghai Highspeed Railway

  15. 京沪高速铁路技术方案的探讨

    On Selection of High - speed Technique for Beijing - Shanghai Railway

  16. 关于京沪高速铁路速度目标值的选择

    Choice of Target Speed for Beijing-Shanghai Dedicated High Speed Railway

  17. 对京沪高速铁路潜在市场的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Potential Market of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway

  18. 京沪高速铁路某桥墩基础施工防护方案设计

    One pier foundation construction protection scheme design on Jing-Hu expressway

  19. 京沪高速铁路京济段路基改良土设计

    The Design of Improved Soil of Subgrade in Beijing-Tianjin High Speed Railway

  20. 京沪高速铁路引入北京枢纽方案浅析

    Elementary Analyses on Schemes of Leading Jing-Hu High-Speed Railway into Beijing Terminal

  21. 京沪高速铁路桥桩竖向静载试验理论模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Texting Pile in Jing-Hu High-Speed Railway

  22. 京沪高速铁路南京越江工程桥梁方案设计

    Bridge Conceptual Design for Nanjing Changjiang River Crossing on Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway

  23. 无端墙隧道门在京沪高速铁路上的应用

    Wall Tunnel ' Door Without Wall Applied in the Beijing-Shanghai Quick Railway

  24. 京沪高速铁路合理使用方案的研究

    Study of the Rational Utilization Plan of Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway

  25. 京沪高速铁路列车开行模式的研究

    Study on Passenger Train Plans for Jing-Hu High-Speed Railway

  26. 京沪高速铁路南京上元门越江工程(桥梁)水文泥沙问题试验研究

    Sediment Model Test Study on High-speed Railway Bridge on Yangtze River in Nanjing

  27. 京沪高速铁路中承式钢箱拱桥抗震分析

    Aseismic analysis of half-through steel box arch bridge in Jing-Hu high speed railway

  28. 京沪高速铁路(江苏段)地质灾害综合指数评价

    Comprehensive index evaluation for geological disasters in Jiangsu Section of Jing-Hu speed railway

  29. 京沪高速铁路废弃泥浆处理现场试验

    Field Experiment on Waste Drilling Fluid Treatment of Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway

  30. 京沪高速铁路的运输组织模式

    The Transport Organization Pattern for Beijing-Shanhai High Speed Railway