
  1. 章泽天是电商巨头京东的门面,年仅24岁,美国《财富》杂志(NewFortune)将其评选为中国最年轻的女性亿万富翁。

    Zhang Zetian , the 24-year-old face of e-commerce giant JD.com , has just been recognized as China 's youngest female billionaire by New Fortune magazine .

  2. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)称京东的商业模式是亚马逊和UPS的结合体;

    Morgan Stanley calls JD 's business model a combination of Amazon and UPS ;

  3. 京东的商业模式有时被比作亚马逊(Amazon)加UPS。

    JD . com 's business model is sometimes compared to a combination of Amazon and UPS .

  4. Wang说,不过微信和京东还是有办法在不太惹恼用户的前提下把它们的服务结合在一起。

    Still , there are ways for WeChat and JD to combine their services without annoying users too much , says Mr. Wang .

  5. 眼下,京东正与美国电脑公司戴尔(Dell)展开协商,打算为后者处理在中国市场上的配送。

    It is negotiating with Dell to handle deliveries in China for the US computer company .

  6. 最后采用Vague理论模型,并结合京东商城物流运营数据,推算出京东商城发展第三方物流的切实可行性。

    At last Vague theory combined the Jingdong Mall logistics operational data raise Jingdong Mall develop the third-party logistics is feasible in theory .

  7. 其中,俄罗斯的数字天空科技(DigitalSkyTechnologies)集团今年就为京东注资5亿美元,这家公司也是Facebook、社交游戏开发商Zynga、和团购网站Groupon背后的投资者。

    Digital Sky Technologies ( DST ) & the Russian firm that is backing Facebook , Zynga , and grouponinvested $ 500 million this year .

  8. 电子商务巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和它的竞争对手京东(JD.com)正在使用摄像头追踪猪的脸。

    Alibaba , the e-commerce giant , and JD.com , its rival , are using cameras to track pigs " faces .

  9. 王振辉是京东物流的CEO,他表示京东现在正在转向无人驾驶技术以提高效率。

    Wang Zhenhui , CEO of JD Logistics , notes his company is now moving into the unmanned vehicle sector to try to its efficiency .

  10. 像其在中国的竞争对手京东(JD.com)和总部位于美国的eBay一样,这一总数中包含未完成支付的商品。

    Like Chinese competitor JD.com and US-based eBay , this total includes items that have not been paid for .

  11. 京东商城是中国的一家电子商务网站,增长十分迅猛,全球投资者排着队等着给它投资【它有点像亚马逊(Amazon)和新鲜直送(FreshDirect)的混搭版】。

    Sure , Liu could claim that he had foreseen the rise of China and the Internet explosion , and that he had brilliantly found a way to capitalize on both trends .

  12. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、京东商城(JD.com)等大型电商公司一直在投入巨资建设物流体系,以实现更快速的商品投递。

    Big e-commerce companies , including Alibaba and JD.com , have been investing heavily in building logistics systems to support faster delivery times .

  13. 与此同时,从新西兰牛奶到美国樱桃,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和京东(JD.com)等互联网运营商也在推出新鲜农产品递送服务。

    Meanwhile , internet operators such as Alibaba and JD.com are facilitating the delivery of fresh products from New Zealand milk to American cherries .

  14. 京东此举可能会加剧它与阿里巴巴(Alibaba)之间的竞争,后者目前是中国电商行业的龙头老大。不过,阿里巴巴正在经历重组。

    The moves are likely to intensify competition with Alibaba , which dominates China 's ecommerce market but is in the middle of a restructuring .

  15. 中国电商集团京东(JD.com)向国内竞争对手阿里巴巴(Alibaba)发出挑战,推出了一个旨在为中国中产阶层带来国外品牌的跨境网购平台。

    JD.com has challenged China ecommerce rival Alibaba with the launch of a cross-border platform designed to bring foreign brands to the Chinese middle class .

  16. 他回忆道,他最初曾拒绝京东(JD.com)——相当于中国的亚马逊(Amazon),而现在京东已经成为他的投资组合中最有价值的公司之一。

    He recalls that he originally rejected overtures from JD.com , the Chinese equivalent of Amazon , and now one of the most valuable companies in his portfolio .

  17. 京东已经从一些有声望的战略投资者那里募集到了资金,包括在美国投资了Facebook和团购网站Groupon的数字天空技术公司(DigitalSkyTechnologies)。

    It has already raised a whopping $ 1.5bn from a group of high-profile strategic investors including Digital Sky Technologies , which invested in Facebook and discount buying website Groupon in the US .

  18. 京东全球购(JDWorldwide)平台凸显了美国企业对进入由本土企业主导的中国电子商务市场的渴望。

    The platform , JD Worldwide , highlights the eagerness of US groups to enter the ecommerce market in China , which is dominated by local participants .

  19. 京东总部位于北京,其CEO刘强东称,此项目可以帮助企业取得更好的销售绩效,同时带给消费者更好的购物体验。

    Liu Qiangdong , chief executive officer of Beijing-based JD.com , said the project will help companies achieve better sales performance as well as bring a better shopping experience for customers .

  20. 腾讯则入股中国第二大电商平台京东(JD.com),以及一些适应移动时代的企业,如餐馆点评网站大众点评网(Dianping)和韩国游戏开发商CJGames。

    Tencent has taken a stake in JD.com , China 's second-largest ecommerce platform , and mobile-friendly companies such as restaurant review site Dianping and South Korea 's CJ Games .

  21. 同样的理由毫无疑问也将被用在阿里巴巴(Alibaba)身上,这家规模比京东大得多的中国电商企业预计将于今年晚些时候在美国上市。

    The same arguments will no doubt be applied to Alibaba , the much larger Chinese ecommerce company that is expected to float in the US later this year .

  22. 这家公司经营的京东网上商城是中国交易量最大的独立B2C电子商务网站。

    Jing Dong Mall , the online department store operated by the company , is the largest independent business-to-consumer e-commerce business in China by transaction volumes .

  23. 为进一步增强电子商务方面的能力,腾讯本月宣布了收购中国第二大电子商务公司京东商城(JD.comInc.)15%股权的交易。

    To further bolster its e-commerce capabilities , Tencent this month announced a deal to buy a 15 % stake in JD.com Inc. , China 's second-largest e-commerce firm .

  24. 5月10日发刊的富豪榜上,章泽天的丈夫、京东创始人兼CEO刘强东也榜上有名,身价388.2亿元。

    Also on the list , which was published May 10 , was Zhang 's husband , JD.com founder and CEO Liu Qiangdong , worth 38.82 billion RMB ( about US $ 5.6 billion ) .

  25. 在这场会议上,京东CEO刘强东表示,该公司90%的员工来自于农村,而他自己也是在江苏的一个小村子里长大的。

    Addressing the conference , Liu Qiangdong , CEO of JD.com , said that some 90 percent of his employees come from rural China , and he himself grew up in a small village in Jiangsu province .

  26. 腾讯总部位于深圳,其微信的月活跃用户量约为6亿,QQ的月活跃用户量约为8.43亿。腾讯现已获得京东15%的股份。

    Shenzhen-based Tencent , which has about 600 million monthly active users on WeChat and 843 million monthly active users on QQ , already owns 15 percent stake in JD.com .

  27. 去年光棍节,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和京东(JD.com)等电商的线上商品销售总额超过了100亿美元,而这个节日也成了中国最大的“假货节”。

    Singles Day , which last year saw more than $ 10bn in total merchandise sold online by the likes of Alibaba and JD.com , is also China 's biggest day for fake goods .

  28. 阿里巴巴的市场提供了一个连接买家和卖家的平台,京东则从制造商和分销商手中购买商品,把存货放在自己的仓库里,这种模式与亚马逊(Amazon)类似。

    While Alibaba 's marketplace serves as a platform to connect buyers and sellers , JD buys goods from manufacturers and distributors and holds the inventory in its own warehouses , in a model that echoes Amazon 's.

  29. 京东人气蹿升,主要是因为其在中小城市迅速扩建物流体系,并且自2014年年中以来跟中国互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)结成了战略联盟。

    JD . com 's fast-growing popularity is largely due to its rapid expansion of logistics in smaller cities and its strategic alliance with Chinese internet group Tencent , in place since mid-2014 .

  30. 京东得到阿里巴巴主要竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)的支持。对于昨日平台上线,京东表示:“京东全球购平台的ebay频道将展示种类繁多的优质商品和流行品牌。”

    JD.com , backed by Alibaba arch-rival Tencent , said of yesterday 's platform launch : " Ebay 's channel on JD Worldwide will showcase a variety of top categories and popular brands . "