
  • 网络the imperial university of peking;Metropolitan University
  1. 北京大学的前身是创办于1898年的京师大学堂,用以取代一千多年来中国古代的最高学府——国子监。

    Established in 1898 as the Imperial University of Peking during a period of reform , the school was created as a replacement for the Guozijian , the top institute of learning in ancient China for more than a thousand years .

  2. 北京大学始创建于1898年,前身为京师大学堂,是中国第一所综合性国立大学,自成立以来一直是中国高等教育一流学府。

    Founded in 1898 , Peking University was originally known as the Imperial University of Peking . It was the first national university covering comprehensive disciplines in China and has been a leading institution of higher education in China since its establishment .

  3. 中国高校建立地理学系的第一个方案&京师大学堂文学科大学中外地理学门的课程设置

    The first project for Department of Geography in universities and colleges around China

  4. 1912年5月,京师大学堂改名北京大学,著名的教育家、启蒙思想家严复出任北京大学第一任校长。

    In May 1912 , the Metropolitan University was renamed " Peking University . " Mr.

  5. 当时的京师大学堂既是中国的最高学府,也是中国最高的教育行政机关。

    Thus the Metropolitan University became not only the most prestigious institution of higher learning , but also the highest administrative organization of education in China .

  6. 北京大学创于1898年12月,初名京师大学堂。1912年5月改为现名。

    Peking University the former Jing Shi Da Xue Tang ( the Metropolitan University ) , was founded in December 1898.InMay 1912 , the Metropolitan Universify was renamed " Peking University "

  7. 正因他中西兼通,清末新政期间,他被聘为京师大学堂总教习并前往日本考察学制,这为他西学中国化铺垫了基础。

    Because his proficiency in both Chinese and western culture , he had been appointed as the head teacher of the Imperial University of Peking and sent to Japan to investigate educational system .

  8. 你是由国家公派的还是自费留学?1903年,京师大学堂派出首批46名学生出国留学,此为中国高校派遣留学生之始。

    In 1903 , the Imperial University sent its first group of 46 students to study abroad , an act which marked the beginning of China 's higher institutions sending students to study abroad .

  9. 师范馆是京师大学堂的核心与基础,也是京师大学堂学生高扬爱国精神的策源地。当代大学生社会责任教育的思考

    The Teacher 's Training Faculty is the core and foundation of the Capital University , the predecessor of Beijing University , in which the patriotism of the students in modern China rose . New Thinking on Patriotism Education of College at Present

  10. 林纾的教育思想、教学实践,对当时的京师大学堂(今北京大学)乃至全国的教育教学,都有积极而深刻的影响;即使对今天的教育教学改革,也将有很大的补益作用。

    Lin Shu 's educational thought and teaching practice made a positively profound impact on Peking Imperial University ( present Beijing University ) as well as national education and teaching cause and are even conducive to the current education and teaching reform .

  11. 1012年,辛亥革命后第二年,京师大学堂更名为北京大学,当时著名的资产阶级改良派、启蒙思想家、翻译家严复受聘为北京大学第一任校长。

    In i912 , the second year after the1911 revolution , the Imperial University changed its name to Peking university , and the then well-known bourgeois reformist , enlightenment thinker and translator Yan Fu was appointed as the first president of Peking university .

  12. 1902年,在京师大学堂管学大臣张百熙的举荐下,清政府任命吴汝纶为京师大学堂总教习,负责管理大学堂和规划全国教育。

    Recommended by Zhang baixi , the administrator of Beijing university , in1902 , Wu was appointed as the dean of studies of Beijing University by the Qing government , in order to help Zhang administer Beijing University and map up the education system of the whole country .