
jīng chéng
  • Capital City;the capital of a country
京城 [jīng chéng]
  • [the capital of a country] 指国都

  • 本是京城女。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

京城[jīng chéng]
  1. 最终,那些想法会传到京城。

    Eventually those ideas should reach the capital city .

  2. 两名解差押着犯人出了京城。

    Two guards escorted the prisoner out of beijing .

  3. 在古代,有一个在京城朝廷里做官的人,奉命去外地做官。

    In the past , an official in the imperial1 court in Beijing was appointed to an official post outside the capital .

  4. 第四章利用SWOT方法分析了京城中水公司的整体经营能力和发展情况;

    In chapter 4 it analyzed the whole management ability and development of the Beijing reclaimed water company according to the method of SWOT ;

  5. 北京的京A啤酒酿造作坊的老板来自美国康涅狄格州和加拿大多伦多,他们将美国风味与本地特色结合起来,供应工人淡色啤酒、空气大爆表双IPA和京城特白小麦啤酒。

    At the Jing-A Brewing Taproom in Beijing , the owners , transplants from Connecticut and Toronto , serve American-inspired beers with local flair , including Worker 's Pale Ale , Airpocalypse Double IPA and Mandarin Wheat .

  6. 在北京,Trepte已成为名流之一。她接受广播与电视的采访,主持高规格的晚宴,出入京城最奢华的聚会。

    And in Beijing , she has become something of a celebrity , frequenting local radio and television programs , hosting high-profile events and attending the city 's most posh parties .

  7. 京城滨水新景观&北京通州运河城市景观设计

    New Waterfront Landscape in Beijing & Tongzhou Canal City Landscape Design

  8. 三是教育考试在京城的发达和变化;

    The third is the upgrowth and changing of educational examination ;

  9. 他到赵国的京城邯郸做生意。

    He is doing business in handan , capital of zhao .

  10. 战胜后会在京城庆功

    We 'll toast China 's victory at the Imperial City .

  11. 那也比你重回京城,枉送性命好。

    It is still better than returning and dying needlessly .

  12. 京城的百姓们称这种为“龙睛鱼”。

    City people call this " dragon sun-and-rain fish " .

  13. 因此,维护京城社会治安也是其义不容辞的职责之一。

    Naturally , the maintenance of social order was its undisputable responsibility .

  14. 从清代竹枝词看京城文化时尚

    Looking at Capital Culture Style According to Little Poetry of Qing Dynasty

  15. 2006年底京城木制品行情再度走高

    Another Increase in Beijing 's Timber Market at the End of 2006

  16. 皇帝不是住在北边的京城吗?

    Did those emperors live in Beijing in the north ?

  17. 论宋代京城的娱乐生活与城市消费

    The Entertainment Life and City Consumption in Capital of the Song Dynasty

  18. 为什么京城又称作春明?

    Why the " Capital City " is again called " Spring Brightness "?

  19. 起义军围攻京城。

    The insurrectionary army laid siege to the capital .

  20. 京城大厦高层钢结构设计

    Design of High Rise Steel Building for Capital Mansion

  21. 渤海上京城考古的四个阶段

    The Four Excavation Stages of the Bohai Capital City

  22. 十八世纪服务于京城王府宦邸的人物画家

    Figural Portrait Painters in the Princely Mansions of Beijing in the Eighteenth Century

  23. 京城木材市场行情略有回升

    Wood Products Sales is Recovering Slightly in Beijing Market

  24. 京城大厦超高层钢结构安装施工

    Installation Construction of Ultrahigh - Pise Steel Structures-Jingcheng Building

  25. 长安以前是唐朝的京城。

    Chang'an is the former capital of Tang dynasty .

  26. 百年大计以人为本&再谈京城高层住宅建筑设计

    A Further Look into High-rise Housing Design in Beijing

  27. 春节期间京城木市冷热不均

    Analyse of Beijing 's Timber Market During Spring Festival

  28. 京城有名的明清古典家具店「广汉堂」。

    Guanghantang , a famous shop specialized in Chinese Ming and Qing furniture .

  29. 烤鸭是京城名菜,别有风味。

    It 's beijing 's most famous dish and its taste is unique .

  30. 汉代京城就有许多匈奴弟子来此学习。

    Many Huns were sent to study in the capital of Han Dynasty .