
  • 网络kyoto;Kyoto City;Kyoto-shi
  1. 青野指出,京都市中心的樱花在3月26日达到全盛,这是1200多年来最早的一次。

    In the central city of Kyoto , cherry blossoms peaked on March 26 , the earliest in more than 1200 years , Aono said .

  2. 随着一个暖春的来临,今年京都市迎来了1200年来最早的花期。

    Following a warm spring , this year , the blossom has emerged in the city of Kyoto at its earliest date for 1200 years .

  3. 展示车群中之B20型蒸气机车(B2010)蒸气机车。京都市梅小路蒸汽机关车馆。

    B2010 , one of displayed steam locomotives at Umekoji Steam Locomotive Museum , Kyoto .

  4. 但在位于京都市中心的旧皇宫京都御所附近的入山豆腐店(iriyamatofu),早起的人们还能看见两大缸北海道产大豆在烧木柴的黏土灶上滋滋冒着热气。

    But at iriyama tofu , near the old imperial palace in central Kyoto , those who get up very early can see two large vats of hokkaido-grown soya beans simmering over wood-burning clay stoves .

  5. 京都市中心人口变化与居住可能性分析

    Analysis on population change in the center of Kyoto City and residential possibility

  6. 京都市梅小路蒸汽机关车馆中扇形车库所展示之蒸气机车群。

    Steam locomotives have been displayed at round house of Umekoji Steam Locomotive Museum , Kyoto .

  7. 本文以日本京都市为研究对象,分析京都市1990年至1997年人口变化的地域差异。

    The paper analyzes regional difference of population change in Kyoto from 1990 to 1997 firstly .

  8. 为了推广它们的宗教,许多禅宗寺庙特别是在京都市和镰仓市在寺庙院落之内或附近开办了精料理餐馆。

    To promote their religion many Zen temples , especially in Kyoto and Kamakura , opened shojin Ryori restaurants in and around the temple compounds .

  9. 文章对日本的京都市和我国的苏州市在城市传统景观的保护与发展方面的实践进行了分析和比较,由此总结出了一些有益的启示。

    This paper analyses and compares the protection and development practices of traditional prospects prospects between Kyoto , Japan and Suzhou , China , and concludes with some helpful revelations .

  10. 据说,最精美的豆腐来自日本古都京都市,因此我前往京都,以更好地了解这种对于日本饮食而言就如同西方的奶酪一样普遍的食物。

    The ancient capital of Kyoto is where the finest tofu is said to originate , and so I travelled there to find out more about a food that is as much a part of the Japanese diet as cheese is in the West .

  11. 京承高速公路都市型现代农业走廊建设成效显著

    Jingcheng Expressway Corridor Metropolitan Modern Agriculture Achieved Remarkable Results in the Construction