
jīnɡ dōu dà xué
  • Kyoto University
  1. 目前,只有两家能登上《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)排名等著名榜单:东京大学(TheUniversityofTokyo)和京都大学(KyotoUniversity)。

    Currently only two make the cut in prominent lists like that of Times Higher Education : the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University .

  2. 比如说在日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)2007年的一项研究中,一只名为步(Ayumu)的雄性小黑猩猩的记忆力就让人类自愧不如。

    Consider Ayumu , a young male chimpanzee at Kyoto University who , in a 2007 study , put human memory to shame .

  3. 岩石力学研究中AE和CT装置的应用&介绍日本京都大学岩石力学研究近况

    The Research of Rock Mechanics with Apparatuses of Acoustic Emission and Computer Tomography & Brief Introduction to Research Case of Rock

  4. 在那项研究中,日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)的研究人员喂食一组小鼠,使之易于患上啮齿动物的阿尔茨海默症和严重的记忆丧失。

    In it , researchers at Kyoto University in Japan gathered a group of mice bred to have a predisposition to developing a rodent version of Alzheimer 's disease and its profound memory loss .

  5. NCAR的和乌卡博士后已收到来自世界各地的博士学位,从像在科罗拉多大学博尔德尽可能接近,日本京都大学挖角。

    NCAR and UCAR postdocs have received their doctorates from all over the world , from as close as the University of Colorado at Boulder to as far away as Kyoto University in Japan .

  6. 山中伸弥在接受采访时说,没有格登的工作,我们永远不会在12年前着手这项有风险的项目。山中伸弥是日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)教授兼美国旧金山格莱斯顿研究院(GladstoneInstitutes)高级研究员。

    ' Without [ Dr. Gurdon 's ] work we would never have started this risky project 12 years ago , ' said Dr. Yamanaka , who is a professor at Kyoto University and affiliated with the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco , in an interview .

  7. 该观点与日本京都大学的一项研究成果不谋而合。

    This is consistent with another recent study from Kyoto University .

  8. 1984年开始在京都大学任职教授。

    Since 1984 , he has been a professor at Kyoto University .

  9. 这是京都大学实验病理学系的网页。

    This is the webpage of the Department of Experimental Pathology , Kyoto University .

  10. 这是京都大学生态研究中心的网页。

    This is the webpage of the Center for Ecological Research , Kyoto University .

  11. 从1996年到2000年以及2002年到2004年,任职京都大学大学院医学部部长。

    He was a Faculty Dean from 1996-2000 and from 2002-2004 at Kyoto University .

  12. 日本京都大学山田康之教授访问武汉植物研究所

    A visit of Prof. y. Yamada from Kyoto University to Wuhan Institute of Botany

  13. 这是京都大学发育与分化系的网页。

    This is the webpage of Department of Development and Differentiation , Kyoto University .

  14. 而学术界评价更高的是香港大学、国立首尔大学、京都大学和清华大学。

    The academics also favoured Hong Kong , Seoul National , Kyoto and Tsinghua universities .

  15. 在这项研究中,步的表现也比一群京都大学的学生好出一大截。

    In the study , Ayumu outperformed a group of university students by a wide margin .

  16. 京都大学に遗されてぃる技术史遗产

    Technological heritages at Kyoto University

  17. 这是京都大学分子相互作用和组织工程学系的网页。

    This is the webpage of the Department of Molecular Interaction and Tissue Engineering , Kyoto University .

  18. 前原诚司是家中的独子,依靠奖学金上了高中和知名学府京都大学。

    An only child , Mr Maehara attended both high school and the prestigious Kyoto University on scholarships .

  19. 网站描述:这是京都大学分子和细胞生物学系的网页。

    Description : This is the web page of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology , Kyoto University .

  20. “我们很惊讶地发现这一点,”京都大学灵长类动物研究所的哲郎松泽说。

    " We were very surprised to find this ," Tetsuro Matsuzawa of the PrimateResearch Institute at Kyoto University said .

  21. 云霖是京都大学的学生,他的住房便租在一家间于京都大学一院和二院之间青年胡同里。

    Yunlin studies at the Jing Du University and lives in youth street , which runs between the first and second colleges .

  22. 在缓冲罐与冷凝器间连接管的绝热和瞬间温度平衡两个条件下,研究其自稳特性,并与日本京都大学提出的模型进行了对比,提出提高自稳特性的措施。

    The comparison between these models and the model from Kyoto University is conducted . Measures to improve the self-regulation are proposed .

  23. “这显然标志着日本的屈服,”京都大学国际关系学教授藤原浩说。

    " It certainly appears that Japan gave in ," said Hiroshi Nakanishi , a professor of international relations at Kyoto University .

  24. 东京大学(全球排名22名)和京都大学(35名)仍然是亚洲最顶尖的两所高校。

    The University of Tokyo ( 22nd ) and Kyoto University ( 35th ) have maintained their positions as the leading universities in Asia .

  25. 她建议关心这一问题的认识读一下日本京都大学教授井上清所写的《关于钓鱼岛等岛屿的历史和归属问题》一书。

    Jiang suggests that persons concerning about the matter should read a book on the history of Diaoyu Islands written by Professor Inouekiyoshi of Kyoto University of Japan .

  26. 尽管东大的海外教学机构多于上智大学和早稻田大学(这两所高校分别为9所和8所),但著名的京都大学的海外教学机构却比东大多出12所。

    While it has more overseas facilities than Waseda or Tokyo 's Keio University which have nine and eight , respectively Kyoto University has12 more than the University of Tokyo .

  27. 日本京都大学的研究者们希望可以复制他们的成功经验,以皮肤组织为原始材料,让男性拥有自己的亲生孩子。

    The Kyoto University researchers hope to be able to repeat their success using sliversof skin as starting material , allowing men to father children that are genetically their own .

  28. 山中伸弥博士,日本京都大学这一新的卷提供了干细胞再生和分化,从作者的专家小组规定的广泛的多样化的概述。

    Shinya Yamanaka , Kyoto University , Japan This new volume provides a broad overview of the regulation of stem cell renewal and differentiation from a diverse panel of expert authors .

  29. 方法以日本京都大学经治的9例活体肝部分移植供者为对象,对供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存等方面进行观察。

    Methods Nine cases of partial living related donor liver transplantation in Kyoto University served as subjects . The donor liver perfusion time and method , and preparation and preservation were studied .

  30. 由日本京都大学比较认知专业教授藤田和夫领导的专家团队进行了一组实验,其中有3组狗狗,每组18只,试验中用到了角色扮演,他们的主人需要打开一个盒子。

    Researchers led by Kazuo Fujita , a professor of comparative cognition at Kyoto University , tested three groups of 18 dogs using role plays in which their owners needed to open a box .