
  • 网络osaka university;OSAKA University Japan
  1. 双子替身F号是日本大阪大学知名机器人设计专家石黑浩发明的,售价11万美金。

    Geminoid F was produced by Hiroshi Ishiguro , a renowned robot designer at Osaka University in Japan . Geminoid F is sale for $ 110000 .

  2. 大阪大学的科学家和o手机运营商NTTDoCoM共同研制这款手机,NTTDoCoMo称这款手机是“革命性电信媒介”。

    It was developed by a team including scientists from Osaka University and the mobile telephone operator NTT DoCoMo who described it as a'revolutionary telecom medium . '

  3. YouTube视频报道称,AikoChihira是由日本大阪大学的机器人专家HiroshiIshiguro研发的。

    Aiki Chihira was created using technology developed by Hiroshi Ishiguro , a robotics researcher at Osaka University in Suita , Japan , according to a YouTube video .

  4. GeminoidF出自大阪大学的著名机器人设计师石黑浩(HiroshiIshiguro)之手。他设计的机器人标价曾高达77.6万英镑。

    Geminoid F was produced by Hiroshi Ishiguro , a renowned robot designer at Osaka University in western Japan , whose androids come with a £ 776000 price tag .

  5. 大阪大学和日本牙科学校

    Osaka University and Dental School in Japan

  6. 数值计算日本大阪大学激光烧蚀瑞利-泰勒不稳定性实验,再现了实验结果。

    Our numerical simulation reproduced the experimental result of laser ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability in Osaka University .

  7. 日本儿童学发展管窥&以日本东大阪大学为例在日本,医学院的大学生要学习七年。

    Introduction on Paedology of Japanese East Osaka University Medical students in Japan have to study for seven years I university .

  8. 一个立体的红色公牛血细胞大小已铭刻在塑料由日本大阪大学的工程师。

    A three-dimensional bull the size of a red blood cell has been etched in plastic by engineers at Osaka University in Japan .

  9. 日本大阪大学的矶博康博士及其同事对3千多名志愿者的饮食习惯进行了调查,这些人的年龄年龄在30岁至69岁之间。

    For their study , Hiroyasu Iso and colleagues at Osaka University asked more than 3000 Japanese volunteers aged 30 to 69 about their eating .

  10. 藤川信夫,男,日本人,大阪大学人间科学研究科,副教授,博士(教育学);

    Fujikawa Nobuo , male , Japanese , Ph.D.in Education , Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Human Sciences , Osaka University , Japan .

  11. 研究小组包含的成员来自斯坦福大学医药系,哈佛医学院,大阪大学和华盛顿大学医药系。

    The research team included members from Stanford University School of Medicine , Harvard Medical School , Osaka University , and the Washington University School of Medicine .

  12. 另外,香港大学排名第42,大阪大学排名第50。新加坡南洋理工大学也以第95名的成绩榜上有名。

    The University of Hong Kong is the42nd and Japan 's Osaka is No.50 . Singapore 's Nanyang Technological University is also on the list at the95th place .

  13. 而日本的有关研究工作主要有大阪大学、应用工程中心和先进材料加工研究中心承担。

    In Japan , research on laser material processing are mainly carried out in Osaka University , Applied Engineering Center ( ALEC ) and Advanced Materials Processing Institut .

  14. 这是世界上首次从植物中发现的新型抗艾滋病病毒剂,且被日本大阪大学确认具有高效抗艾滋病病毒作用。

    This is the first time the world discovered a new type of plant anti-HIV agent , and Japan 's Osaka University has been recognized as having the role of highly active anti-HIV .

  15. 石黑浩教授可以“分身”同时去两个地方——离开学校,在公园里享受生活,同时也能参加大阪大学的研讨会。

    Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro can literally be in two places at once , skipping school to enjoy a day in the park , while at the same time conducting a seminar at Osaka University .

  16. 大阪大学的社会学教授斯科特·诺斯说:“就算这个扰民的无人机迫使员工离开了办公室,如果任务没有完成,他们还是得带回家继续做。”

    Scott North , professor of sociology at Osaka University , said : " Even if this robotic harassment gets workers to leave the office , they will take work home with them if they have unfinished assignments . "

  17. 这只是近期的例子,去年,上海申磬产业有限公司与大阪大学的研发人员合作,在中国推出了阳杨--一个很像萨拉·佩林的机器人,看起来也比佳佳更智能,她可以拥抱和握手。

    And that 's just the most recent example . Last year researchers at the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University in Japan and Shanghai Shenqing Industry in China revealed Yangyang , a dynamic robot with an resemblance to Sarah Palin . Yangyang also seems to do more than Jia Jia with its abilities to hug and shake hands .

  18. 这部日剧改编自日本作家山崎丰子的小说,讲述了大阪浪速大学医院中两位医生的故事。

    The Japanese TV series , adapted from a novel by Japanese writer Toyoko Yamasaki , focuses on the life of two doctors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka .

  19. 该项研究中,来自大阪国际国大学和神户大学的研究人员招纳了一批训练有素的运动员,有男性也有女性,以及另外一批同年龄的未经训练的志愿者。

    For the study , researchers at Osaka International University and Kobe University in Japan recruited a pool of trained athletes , male and female , as well as the same aged group of untrained volunteers .