
  • 网络Big Marketing;Megamarketing;mega marketing;Megmarketing
  1. 他们没有大的预算和大市场营销部门,他们甚至可能不会有公司的小册子。

    They don 't have big budgets and big marketing departments , and they may not even have a corporate brochure .

  2. 这些大投资公司有雄厚的财力和令人印象深刻的资源:大的广告预算,大型建筑和大市场营销部门。

    These big investment firms have deep pockets and impressive resources : big advertising budgets , big buildings and big marketing departments .

  3. 本文介绍了现代市场营销的4个发展方向:创造需求、大市场营销、4C营销和绿色营销。

    The paper discusses four major new findings in modern marketing , namely , Creating Demand , Major Marketing , 4 C Marketing and Green Marketing .

  4. 试论大市场营销的产生及其发展现状

    The Emergence of " Larger Marketing " and its Developmental Condition

  5. 大市场营销解析

    Analysis on the " Great Marketing "

  6. 第三章描述了市场营销的新发展,如大市场营销,战略联盟,网络营销和关系营销在国际市场营销中的应用。

    The third chapter discusses the new outcome in marketing theory like 6P 's , strategic alliance , internet marketing and relationship marketing and their usage in international marketing .

  7. 而且,DrPepperSnapple眼下正在三大市场中试验营销DrPepper、七喜和CanadaDry三种混合了甜叶菊和糖的纯天然甜味饮料。

    And Dr Pepper Snapple is currently testing three naturally sweetened versions of Dr Pepper , 7up , and Canada Dry , with stevia and sugar , in three markets .

  8. 巴特勒公司东北大区市场的营销策略分析

    Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Butler Northeast District

  9. 对大老板进行市场营销上很复杂的。

    Marketing Big Boss is very complicated .

  10. 豆豉小产品,大市场的行业营销现状已经到了需要大胆创新才能在大步前行的瓶颈状态。

    The " small product , big market " marketing situation of lobster sauce industry has reached a bottleneck state , companies need bold innovation if they want to step forward .

  11. 公司以构建“大市场,大营销,大服务”为销售理念,进步质量管理水平的同时也努力提升服务质量。

    The company constructs " the big market big marketing , the big service " is the sales idea , raises the quality control level at the same timeendeavor to promote the grade of service .

  12. 本文仅从微观的角度来讨论国有四大商业银行的市场营销行为。

    Covering four parts , this thesis is designed to discuss the marketing management of commercial banks only at the micro level .

  13. 本文主要比较了我国国内工程勘察设计企业与国外工程咨询设计公司的三大差距即组织结构不合理、项目管理差距大、市场营销错位。

    This paper gives a description of the three major gaps between China 's domestic engineering ex-ploration and design enterprises and foreign engineering consultancy & design companies in terms of organiza-tional structure , project management and marketing .

  14. 本文从国际贸易地理出发,运用市场营销学原理,将非洲市场细分为三大市场体系和若干拟重点开发的子市场,并着重论述中国开拓非洲各大市场的营销策略和对策措施。

    Based on the theory of international trade geography and marketing principles , this paper segregates African market into 3 large market systems with some subordinate markets which will be emphatically developed and discusses the marketing tactics and countermeasures of China in opening up African market .