
  • 网络market index
  1. 结果显示企业社会责任投资组合的收益均值60%都高于同期的大盘指数。

    Results show that income mean of CSR portfolio is60 % higher than the market index over the same period .

  2. 本文的研究发现:产业资本股东增持与减持的顶部与大盘指数底部与顶部有高度的一致性。

    The research result of this dissertation indicates that the peaks of industry capital buying and selling have high coincidence with bottoms and tops of market index in time series .

  3. 并且在大盘指数升高时,QFⅡ季度买入羊群行为值与卖出羊群行为值的差距会在一定程度上加大。

    And in the QFII quarter rises , buy and sell sheep herding behavior on the gap value will be increased to a certain extent .

  4. 新股上市后一年间的市场表现显著低于大盘指数,并且IPO首日收益越高的股票,长期表现越差,从而证实了我们关于二级市场存在噪声因素的推断。

    We find that the long term performance of new shares are significantly lower than the stock index , and the higher the initial return is , the worse the long-term performance , which prove the existence of noise trading in the secondary market .

  5. 学习如何识别大盘指数的重要顶部和底部。

    Learn how to recognize important tops and bottoms in market indexes .

  6. 通过对时间进行分段,研究了股票价格变动与大盘指数波动之间的联系。

    It also studies on the links between the market index and the stock price by time section .

  7. 目前对于股价波动的研究成果主要是集中在沪深两市的大盘指数方面,而对于行业板块指数的研究则显得较为薄弱。

    At present the research for the volatility is mainly concentrated on the market index of Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  8. 实证研究表明,沪深大盘指数收益率分布具有肥尾的特征,但并不服从无限方差分布。

    The empirical analysis indicates that the tails of returns on Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks are not enough to conform to an infinite-variance distribution .

  9. 李晶表示,新股估值(基于2009年预期市盈率)似乎也在向与大盘指数更加一致的水平靠拢。

    MS Ulrich said valuations of new shares based on 2009 estimated price-to-earnings ratios also appeared to be moderating to levels more in line with the broader index .

  10. 由于上海、深圳的股市起步早,数据多,且大盘指数综合了各个方面的影响,具有较强的代表性。

    Because the stock markets of Shanghai , Shenzhen start early , there are many data , and the deep bid index has synthesized the influence of various fields , have stronger representativeness .

  11. 本文分析了6年多来中国证券市场大盘指数和基金指数的周内、月内及年内效应,并对其相互间的关联性进行了检验。

    This paper examines the Chinese stock and fund market indices for recent evidence of seasonal anomaly , such as weekend effects , month of the year , week of the month effect and their interrelation .

  12. 作为上市公司相对投资价值判断的新方法,对评价结果用模拟投资组合的方式将其收益率和大盘指数同期涨跌幅作了对比。

    As a new way to judge relative investment value of listed companies , the paper will conclude a positive result by comparing investing yield ratio of portfolio with that of stock index in the same term .

  13. 蒙牛颇受追捧:几乎香港所有的分析师都给予该公司股票买入评级,其股票的预期市盈率达到17倍,几乎是大盘指数的两倍。

    The company has a lot of fans : nearly all Hong Kong analysts hold a buy rating on the stock and its shares trade at 17 times forward earnings , almost twice as much as the broader index .

  14. 而数量化投资带给我们的是一种全新的思维,它颠覆了模拟指数被动型投资尊崇的大盘指数无法超越,反驳了我们很难获得超越市场平均收益的固定思维。

    However , the amount of the investment will bring us a new way of thinking , and it subverts the simulated index respected passive investment cannot exceed the market index , and refute difficult to get beyond our market averages .

  15. 0%,创下2008年金融危机以来大盘指数最大季度跌幅。纳斯达克综合指数第一季度跌幅超过14%,这是该基准指数自2018年最后三个月以来的最大季度跌幅。

    The S & P 500 has declined about 20 percent of the period , marking the sharpest quarterly decline since the 2008 financial crisis for the broad-market index . The Nasdaq has lost more than 14 percent for the quarter , which represents the worst quarterly decline since the last three months of 2018 for the benchmark .

  16. 徽商银行收涨2%,香港大盘恒生指数(HangSengindex)则收跌0.7%。

    Huishang rose 2 per cent , while the Hang Seng index closed down 0.7 per cent .

  17. 中国流通A股市场大盘股价指数研究

    The Research of Chinese Float a Share Market Indexes

  18. 研究结论表明在2003年8月15日至2004年12月10日期间,成长型证券投资基金的业绩优于以大盘股票指数为投掷组合的基准组合;

    This article shows that during Aug 15,2003 and Dec 10,2004 , the growing mutual fund performance exceed the objective fund that invest the stocks that compose of Shanghai Composite Index or Citic Composite Index .