
  • 网络Growth Enterprise Index
  1. 但由中国公司组成的小盘股指数香港创业板指数(Gem)却上扬8.5%。

    Yet the GEM board , a small-caps index of Chinese companies , has risen 8.5 per cent .

  2. 被称为中国纳斯达克的创业板指数开年以来已经实现了眩目的52%的涨幅,而一再受挫的上海证券综合指数(ShanghaiCompositeindex)则下跌了12%。

    The index , known as China 's ' Nasdaq , ' has soared a dizzying 52 % higher so far this year , while the battered Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 12 % .

  3. 不过好日子到2010年12月便结束了,创业板指数创历史高位后,到去年6月累计下跌了35%。

    The good times were over by December 2010 , however , as the index hit a record peak and then shed 35 % by June .

  4. 由于中国散户投资者纷纷涌入,创业板指数今年已经上涨逾65%,涨幅超过世界上几乎所有其他指数。

    It is up more than 65 per cent this year , outpacing gains almost anywhere else in the world , amid a gold rush from Chinese retail punters .

  5. 从市场的动态相关系数来看,创业板指数与上证综指、深证成指以及中小板指都呈现一个正相关。

    The dynamics of the correlation coefficient from the market point of view , the GEM index Shanghai Composite Index , Shenzhen Component Index and the small plates have shown a positive correlation means .

  6. 因此,本文我们首先对创业板综合指数日对数收益率序列的统计特征和分布进行分析,然后根据分析的结论选择更为合理的VaR估计模型。

    Therefore , in this paper , We first analyze statistical characteristics and distribution of the Second board Market , and then select a more reasonable VaR estimation model based on the analysis of the conclusion .

  7. 结合实证数据结果,针对我国股票市场提出了若干政策建议,其中包括创业板市场指数的构建等。

    According to the results of the empirical test , some policy recommendations are raised , among which the formulation of the GEM index is included .

  8. 创业板的股票指数向在其挂牌的公司证明了投资者的实力,同时也有助于促进交易。

    The Alternext All Share Index improves investors'ability to benchmark NYSE Alternext listed companies , which also helps to promote trading .

  9. 最明显的例子是深市创业板(ChiNext)指数,它由快速增长的小型技术、媒体和医疗类公司组成。

    That is clearest on Shenzhen 's ChiNext index - home to small , fast-growing technology , media and healthcare companies .